Saturday, July 24, 2021

Rock Chick's got a voice

 One of the most pleasurable experiences I've had was last night when my step-daughter while under the influence of some grape juice began to put the world to rights. Because she was putting both myself and Sparkling Eyes under questioning, asking us whether we voted Brexit, then she told us how life is so difficult for women. And then she went on to say we were the Baby Boomers, or rather the Boomers. Whilst she was with it, hip and a Millennium. I'm not entirely sure what the definition is of a Millennium but she was one of them. She used all the social media platforms, but only to view and hardly ever to post items on them. She described them as a "mask" by which people hide their true persona and then become something else. Something not very nice. She wanted her children to have a better life. For Princess J who is actually not very Princess like and more of a Miss Minecraft knight. She told us how the world was so, so unfair and unjust for women who were expected often to sit in the house, were made to take second place. All the time she explained this, I recognised this Rock Chick wears the trousers, she's got a voice. A wonderful loud voice and I hope she uses it a lot more. Speaks out and takes on the biggots and shows she's one tough cookie. Which means this out of touch not with it Boomer had better know his place. I was indeed very proud and happy she could be so vocal and so much fun. I know now calling her husband Dangerous Sports Lad had a reason behind it. Mind he's not so much into the dangerous stuff now and is a very responsible Daddy.

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