Oh I miss being bullied by a little girl who is barely three years old, my grand-daughter Princess J. She is the happiest little girl I have ever met in the entire world and I love her so much it hurts when I am away from Scotland for too long. Next week will be week five from last seeing the little Princess. Let me also add Sparkling Eyes who I cant help finding I like to annoy and she in turn gets a perverse kick out of annoying me. She is the most wonderful pain in my arse I've every had and will always continue to be one. She puts me in my places and reminds me of who I am, she is my friend and my love and everything to me. Damn I must really be missing Scotland today.
Yesterday in Scotland it was raining and dull and the kind of day where you just stayed in doors and didn't venture out. It was one of those weather days which wears down the spirit to do nothing. They say you should get things fixed while the sun is out, which means there's always a lot of work to do things and get them fixed. Whenever the sun does decide to come out.
It's Saturday and I need to decide what to do with my time. The sun is out, Sparkling will begin working later this afternoon and it will mean two days where I don't get to chat to her as text messages fly through the air. Fortunately she now likes her new job, is easier and less manic than per previous job with the Red Cross. The RC may have a name for it as a charity but as a care provider for those needing palliative support it is dreadful. Sparkling showed me her list of calls over a weekend period and there were scores. Some people only getting a fifteen minute visit where the carers were expected to give a shower and breakfast. It isn't worth getting the RC involved unless you are in absolute need and then don't expect much. The care staff are spread thinner than marmite. Havey is in the corner there and it's about time he was played, sun is out and it's about time I got some exercise, I need to do something, anything, just be active. I got books and journal articles from days of old when I used to study, now they can be thrown out but there's this emotional investment in these things because they were part of my life for a period, and there is knowledge in those things and knowledge is useful stuff to have. What is it that stops me from clearing out when I know I so need to?