Monday, February 10, 2014

Cabin Fever is a good moan

There is no doubt about it, the impact of doing the 1000 word a day challenge is effecting my BLOGs. I can only do one thing at a time, although in the Fish Factory I'm expected to do about thirty things at once. Walking sideways with multiple brooms up my arse is a common sight and not a pretty one. The only reason I am writing now is because I've been stuck in the house all day long and am getting my own version of Cabin Fever.

Sparkling was the one to diagnose it, all I'm doing is having a moan at other members of the family who I don't get on with and wish were not my family.  There should be a rule of fact relatives know.  It is, you might be family but we got nothing else in common and we will dislike each other in some cases our entire lives.  The thing is having a good moan once in a while is a uniquely human thing to do, for there will always be something which gets under your skin. Something which enrages and makes blood boil. It doesn't have to be a big thing either. As Sparkling would say with my habit of not putting a tea towel in exactly the right place it should be. Then when I spy the tea towel not where it should be and it wasn't me then I don't say a thing.  Because I know what is good for me, which includes keeping my trap shut. Whereas when I am the culprit I will be given a formal reprimand and possibly the dreaded finger point. It's like the finger point is women's Kung Fu. It can be jabbed through the heart, eye or kidneys of a man with accuracy, speed and effectiveness even Grasshopper would acknowledge.

Now it's time to go to bed and I'm awake and watching Political news videos, well then looks like I'm going to be shit in the morning as well.

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