Sunday, December 07, 2014

The personality of Baby Princess J at 18 months

I returned from seeing Sparkling Eyes and spent lots of time with Little Princess J, who is so cheeky it is unbelievable. For Princess J, the world has been put here to she can adventure and have as much fun as possible. I so love the sound of her giggles when she laughs. It is an amazing thing to here an 18 month old little girl giggle with excitement. She is learning to mimic other people around her and this is noticeable when she does something, such as sneaking a drink of tea.  For an adult having a cup of tea when you are dying for one will lead to a customary "ahh" sound and a face of relief. It's not just the thought of caffine but probably having a hot drink when cold and being thirsty.  Princess J does not have her own cup of tea but this doesn't stop her from going up to Sparkling Eyes and reaching out for Sparkling's cup. Providing the tea is not too hot, Sparkling will then gently hand her the cup and mind as Princess J takes it in both hands and raises it to her mouth. The difficult thing she has nearly got the hang of is realising the degree to which a cup is tilted changes the rate at which the liquid flows into her mouth. However, she is right on the verge of understanding to gradually tip the cup up.  Then as Princess J sips away at the warm tea she lowers the cup and gives out a big old "ahhh" and a beautiful big smile as well. Just to say I-loved-that-as-well.  It is so funny how she is picking up the norms of how adults act and then applies them to her own world. It is not only tea she does this with as well.

It seems Princess J knows a telephone is meant for communicating with. Now she is no longer content with having a play telephone because she likes to have a go of talking on the real thing. When she sees her mum Rock Chick answer the phone Princess J thinks she should have a chat on the line as well. So first thing is first and Rock dutifully hands the phone over to Princess J.  Princess J has not got the hang of language yet but it doesn't stop her from trying so she engages in wonderful displays of baby babble. She can say some words and if counting she probably has about a 100 or so words but they are said in isolation.  Such as "outside" when she knows she is going out or the word "up" to raise something or indeed the word "again" when she wants to hear her favourite song or watch her favourite film (Frozen). She loves music and so likes to engage in a bit of babble with this as well in a beautiful little singing voice.  I have heard Sparkling ring up Rock Chick and in the background Princess J will be doing her best to get the phone off her mum. Rock passes it over, during this time, Rock says Princess walks about with the phone as if in deep conversation which requires all her concentration. Well it is conversation although her own language, and through this comes her excitement at chatting to her Ga Ga (Sparkling Eyes). Sparkling gives Princess J all the time in the world to say what she wants to say and makes a few comments of the like "is that so" and "then what did you do?" At which Princess J continues and tells the rest of her story.  She knows how to use a phone and what it's for this is for sure.

We believe Princess J may well be an explorer when she grows up, because she likes to lead the way when out on walks and she doesn't like to be chained down with reigns or too much hand holding unless she wants to hold hands. It's like her feet have been made for walking and she will walk and find adventure and wonder in this world in everything she sees. Whether it is a multi-bag packet of chrisps off a supermarket shelf or a packet of bird seed, if she likes the look of it she will pick it up and carry it and continue running around the shop, and then drop it on the floor when she's bored. In the park she loves to go on all of the attractions, slides, swings and rocking horses.  Where possible she will climb and hold on and then laugh her head off when she is pushed or swung because for her it is the most wonderful thing in the world.  And nearly every person she takes an interest in she then melts their heart with her curiosity and happiness. Sparkling takes Princess J for walks around a local aquarium and the Little Princess just runs around the shop loving every moment of it. She is picked up to look at the fishes and then put down again because she can not stay in any one place more than a few seconds. Because boredom is not on her agenda of things to do. She races from one thing to another and doesn't stop at all, especially if taken to a new place, then it's all cylinders firing no matter how tired she really is.

When I pretend to be a monster who catches and then tickles her she is the happiest little girl in the world. Usually running to her mum or to Sparkling to seek someone to save her from the tickle monster then to look back over her should just to see if the tickle monster is there so she can burst out into a good giggle.  She is a happy beautiful little girl and were she a prescription medicine all the ills of the world would fade away in an instance.

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