Friday, August 21, 2015

Not quite talking - Princess J

Princess J is approaching a point of talking, not quite there but almost there. She will be stringing even more sentences along in the next few months. She is also the most loud little Princess ever, especially when she does not get her own way. Such as ice creams and chocolate eggs which she seems to be addicted to, she also has in unbelievable amount of energy never stopping.

While outside entertaining Princess J, which is the only thing adults are useful for in her eyes I learnt how to run after her with a skipping rope. She held one end and I held the other, she would then run up and down a strip of grass with me behind her. For some reason this was a very funny thing to do, she loved it. Whereas poor 50 plus man was absolutely shattered on account of not getting much sleep the previous night, getting up about 3 a.m. because the cat wanted out. But it don't matter because when I'm in Scotland it seems I'm everyone bitch. Sparkling eyes is constantly reminding me how exhausting and wonderful it is to be a human entertainment centre for Princess J.  Sparkling enjoys seeing Princess J develop with her own character, and there's one thing for sure Princess J has a loud personality.

For example, when Rock Chick (mum) had promised the Princess a ice lolly after tea it was as a means of bargaining to get Princess J to eat her tea. Unfortunately the freezer had no ice lollies left. At this point Princesses expectations were dashed on the rocks and a full meltdown ensued. It was bloody, loud and involved a lot of crying and screaming.  The poor thing really doesn't like to be disappointed. Sparkling (nan) saved the moment, and put on her firm and obedient voice, telling the little Princess to be calm she would go and get some lollies and be back shortly. In fact she told Princess to stay by the window and watch her as she went to the shop and came back.  Returning from the shop Sparkling stood outside the window and showed Princess the box of ice lollies. Princess J was then very happy and her meltdown had passed. Another time as the Princess had a melt down Sparkling again put on her authority voice put the Princess in her bedroom and left her there. The Princess being a little unhappy with this bashed her door and then threw herself on her bed as if exhausted. After all, such loud and energetic emotions must take it out of you. She had calmed down and went into stroppy mode.

I think the emotional and terrible two's people talk about are due to toddlers not being able to fully express themselves in speech.  They get frustrated and they also don't understand concepts or realities, they have what Freud would say all Id and a bit of Ego.  The Id being the basic raw desires to be satisfied. Well that's my interpretation. Princess J is so funny in many ways and she is such a joy to everyone around her, but she does have a little devil side to and doesn't do as she is told. Which is only right as well got for even as adults none of us like to be told what to do, more so as a child.

As for me I am pops and Princess J has me round her little finger. She's beautiful.

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