Sunday, September 06, 2015

A dodgy knee

I hit the road for a walk again today, being it's Sunday and did about three hours. Though I'm not sure how many years of my life I got with the ability to walk.  Yep it's sad.  I got a funny knee. Each morning over the last week or so I've got up and the thing has clicked audibly every time I've walked up and down the stairs.  It's the left one. Given I've practically given up on going to see a general practitioner (doctor) for anything I'll just have to see until the point it is so bad it locks up and I have to go to a hospital. I figure out it is better to wait four or more hours in a waiting room than it is to try months on end to get a GP appointment.  Bloody sad fact is since the Tories have come into power the NHS and most other public services have been depleted into shadows of themselves.  So wobbly, clicking knee it will have to be. Maybe I'll think about private insurance and then go see someone once I've paid up a couple of months. I suppose it could be worse and would be if my leg dropped off, then I'd have to wait for a false leg and would be a one legged man.

The sun has come out today, and it is miraculous how a little sunshine can make you feel. It just makes you feel good very much like the song I'm Feeling Good by Nina Simone. But it's not just having sunshine it is feeling warm as well. Because lately it has felt like a chill is setting in. September is here after all so what more can be expected. It's close to my birthday so I'll be up in Scotland to see Sparkling Eyes and my second family. Now up north is a place where it does get cold and is a lot more noticeable than it is down South in London. They have had nothing but crap weather all summer. No wonder the Scots have got a reputation for being grumpy. I do my best to inoculate myself nowadays from being blue and like to indulge in funny videos on youtube. They even work against bad weather. Probably too well because all I do then is sit on my backside watching them and doing nothing else. The days will come round quick and I'll be on a train from Kings Cross on Friday. coasting along the East Coast, which should be publicly owned in my mind but has been unscrupulously sold off by the Tories again. Something they like to do is to sell the crown jewels and then their friends make lots of money in the privatisation process. They all think the sun shines out of their arses I guess they get upset on a day like this to find something quite bigger in the sky is out doing them.

It's odd lately but sometimes I get a bee in my bonnet about being active and doing things.  This always works while I am out walking.  It just kicks in with thoughts of all the things I should be doing and how I spend so much time enslaved to the internet. There's hundreds of things I should be getting on with and trying to accomplish. Better again to do those than stand still and get fat.  Saying this I think I've reached a plateau on my slow weight loss program.  I need to go up another step and stay on an under 12 stone progression. Hopefully it will help my knee and prevent the other one form clicking out as well. Of course it's the reduction in food which is the most painful part, for when you exercise as well it makes you want to eat more, as though to say exercising gives you a free pass card to continue eating crap.  But it doesn't. Exercise must be done for exercise sake and for the sake of becoming healthier. It is good to be able to breath better and get into my trousers as well.  Of course getting into someone else's trousers would not be the thing to do. I need to just get in my own and hope they are not too tight around the middle.  For it's the classic fat man belly syndrome I'm fighting against as well as losing my hair. Which probably sums it up. Get old, get fat and then lose your hair. There's got to be an alternative to all of this.  Yes, I need to get out again.  Come on old knee, lets see if we can make it up to the shops and don't worry belly for the Chinese is closed today.

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