Saturday, June 11, 2016

The wipe my bum song and a Princess J gets stuck in the toilet

It's been a funny morning. There I was thinking to myself it would be nice to write a BLOG as time passes and this year there have barely been any. Then I got writer's block and didn't know what would be written. Yet after listening to the radio for five minutes there was suddenly a hell of a lot of material to think about and enough for at least two thousand words if really needed. Finishing breakfast and heading upstairs a little more radio another two thousand words of possibility and I sat down to do a little typing practice. Within a very short moment there came the sounds of a small boy singing. It is the neighbour's youngest the walls are so thin that his words rang through my room, I was transfixed. It went along the lines of, "wipe my bum, wipe my bum, wipe my bum, wipe my bum! Mum, mum, mum, mum mum!" I laughed. It is not each morning when the words to a song are just given to you and can be made up in just a few moments. I am sure that young lad is going to be a great success in the future when no doubt there will be different words. Ones which the public teenagers will enjoy, but I know they will not provide as much amusement as I had this morning.

Another song I heard him sing a good few months ago also having great brevity and lots of repetition went along the lines of "I don't want a bath, I don't want a bath, I don't want a bath." Followed by more of the same. It was sang in a rhyming style slow and paced just like many small child song is. After a while I heard his mum interrupt and it didn't matter if he didn't want a bath he certainly was about to get one. The entertainment these walls have heard are probably what help keep the house standing.

Small children do not understand a lot of things, just as the beautiful Princess J does not understand a lot of things. The not understanding things is because they are children and their barely lived life has to mould understanding according to experience. If it happens experience is based on play then this is how they understand. Play with lots of laughter and often repeated play of the same thing over and over again. This may be draining on an adult, but I have found after doing two hours of hunt the egg with Princess J there is a lightness of being almost what you'd get from doing a lot of meditation. Of course it is tiring, very tiring, but this is age. Pops is an old man and Princess J does not understand the concept of age quite yet but she does understand what a birthday is and waking up to open lots of presents is absolutely great fun. Which is another game we have played before. I'll not mention our game of father chrimbo at this point.

Sparkling told me a couple of days ago about Princess J's little adventure to a seaside town called Arbroath. They enjoyed the train journey on Thomas the tank train, enjoyed walking along the beach and seeing a bucket full of fish heads, then came time for a cup of tea and a bowl of ice cream. Just as Sparkling had began her tea Princess J wanted to go to the toilet. Now at three years old she considers herself a big girl and is pretty independent. Whenever possible she will go to the toilet on her own. Unlike the boy above she doesn't mind wiping her own bum, for some reason she enjoys the experience and enjoys using toilets in any place she knows they are. However this time was different. Sparkling went into one toilet cubical and Princess J in they other. Now these cubicles were not like the modern new ones which have not top and about eight inches of space below. They were situated in a old style restaurant so the toilets had old style locks and weren't as smooth as modern ones. Sparkling finished and then tapped on Princess J's door. Asking if she had finished as well. She could hear the little Princess trying to pull the lock across but it would not. Her small hands were just unable to slide it across. Keeping as calm as possible Sparkling kept trying to coax Princess to open the door. She couldn't. Princess was beginning to get distressed. Sparkling calmed her as much as possible and then said she had to pop off and see the waitress. In turn the waitress came but could not do anything. These toilet doors didn't have the big gaps, you couldn't slide under or assist in any way. However, fortunately there was a builder on the premises doing some work so they went and got the builder. He then proceeded to remove panels from around the door and from the top of the door. In a short while he had made a gap at the top. By putting his arm down with a tool he was able to reach and knock the lock open.   So it was the Princess had been rescued not by a Prince but by a builder. The perfect accomplice, otherwise no doubt they would of had to call the fire brigade, which would of been a bit dramatic for such a situation.

The whole episode took about twenty minutes and during this time Princess J had found her ice cream had melted. The restaurant was sympathetic and gave her another free bowl of ice cream and although Sparkling offered to pay for the repairs to the toilet door they would not have any of it. Princess enjoyed her bowl of ice cream and of course even some of Sparkling's tea. Now maybe if she knew the "wipe my bum" song she would not of locked the door at all.

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