Saturday, November 16, 2019

Taxi driver's story of marriage in Las Vegas

Dangerous lad had phoned for a taxi, we and our little Ball Boy on account the best word he can say is "ball" and he's very good at kicking, better than your average 16 month old I'd say. Besides his bunny which he is very fond of, give him a ball and play with him and he'll be very happy. We were about to head to the Registry Office, I was about to get married and hadn't seen Sparkling Eyes for at least 24 hours. A tradition which we'd decided to follow.

We got in the cab, and I was just about managing to keep myself calm, the destination was given and I said I was about to get married. As you can see from the picture here, we were all done up looking good. Except for the fact I'd put on a few pounds in weight since the suit was fitted. BB's little bunny is in hand and essentially one of the most important things in the world.

The taxi driver went on to describe his wedding. It was a welcome distraction and an entertaining story. He had gone online and with his partner had decided to get married in Las Vegas. No family were going to be there, they had kind of eloped to do this. However, he was going to wear his full Scottish outfit, i.e. Kilt and accessories. Now what many may not know is the kilt besides being a traditional costume for the Scottish man is made of pretty heavy material. It's made to keep you warm, and just to think about it Scotland can get cold. When he checked the internet he found a nice chapel in which to get married. On the day he got in his limo and they headed to the destination. The limo was air conditioned, the ride to the chapel started off pretty good. However, at some point the limo turned into a different neighbourhood, one which was much less glitzy then where he'd been staying. At this point a little apprehension crept in. Were they going the right direction, yes the driver knew where he was heading. In a moment he was there there were big walls and a very large automatic gate. It opened and let them in. This chapel was close to a prison, the walls were tall and high so if any prisoners did manage to escape they'd not get in. Mind you could also say it would of been a little difficult for the groom to get out and escape as well. The chapel was as advertised. It was beautiful, the Elvis look a like wasn't going to be ministering the wedding but he'd be around and was allowed to be in the background of one of their photos. It was July, the temperature was through the roof and our taxi driver was in a heavy material of a kilt. Sweating heavily he was happily married, the wedding was about him and his partner and their commitment to each other. The lack of family and guests was because they wanted it personal and special. I got what he was saying.

We got into the beautiful large room, where the few guests were going to sit on the first two rows of seats. Old paintings were hung in the room, all the seats had a white stretchy seat cover on them. There was no mistaking this venue. One of our group was charged with setting up the music, she had the tracks on her phone and was going to Bluetooth them to the stereo. However at first couldn't get a connection and then had to download the app. It connected. We were sat there waiting for Sparkling to turn up. The music went on. I listened to the words as Sparkling had specifically chosen this and knew within a moment she would be walking down the aisle. I purposely didn't turn round because I wanted to actually see her for that moment after so many hours in her dress. One which I wasn't sure what it would look like. But she and the dress were perfect and so beautiful. It was purple. All I had to do now was keep a hold of myself and not break down to be a blabbering idiot overtaken by the emotions of the moment.

The registrar read out the words, we took our time, repeating what she said and within what seemed like the blink of an eye were married. Dam I love my wife. Sparkling kept her cool, apparently she'd doubled dosed up on her prescribed calming medication and also at some point downed gin. Now it it was gin I'd drank then I would of been in floods of tears and happiness. I can't help myself so much with these emotions nowadays, they just seem to stream out.

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