Monday, August 24, 2020

The getting lost dream

I've had this dream before, sometimes there's a cycle when a certain dream will pop up. This is one of them. Mostly I don't remember what I dream, however, not getting a decent night's sleep can cause them to remain in memory. This morning, the dream lingered on. To the extent it had to be googled just to find out what it meant, or what someone's interpretation of it meant. After all dreams are roundabout ways of providing messages. 

Somehow I was trying to find my way back. Back to a place I was familiar with, but I was walking in an unfamiliar place. Past buildings and roads. looking around wondering if i was going the right way. I thought a strategy, it was like being on holiday and not getting to appreciate the surroundings, then when you get lost it's because walking back on what should be the same route you took, isn't the same. The reason is easy, you walk in one direction, so coming back everything is viewed from a different directly. I was in the dream and at the same time coaching myself how not to get lost. I also thought it was important to try and remember landmarks, certain buildings as these would aid the return trip. However, just like my mind was playing with me the thought arose those same landmarks would also look different from a different angle and direction. It seemed as if there were no way out of this slow walking journey of sleep to wakefulness.

The dream by the way is an indicator of anxiety, and the acknowledgement of being in the wrong place in your life. As if you should be in another place, doing something else. I thought about this and considered it's because I should be spending my life with Sparkling Eyes and the wonderful family I have in Scotland. A crazy family I miss every single day I'm not there.

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