Tuesday, September 26, 2006

On the stairs

I had an odd understanding today, sometime in the morning, either on the way to the loo or returning from the loo. I was on the stairs at the time. I realised there were a number of people in the Factory I just did not like. Even to the extent quietly harbouring my own animosity towards them. The girl who beat me in an interview for a managerial post, the stout woman who was a manager and I just know is incredibly insincere in personality. She says "Good Morning" to everyone when she happens to pass them in the morning, but it isn't a natural polite enquiry it's as though it is forced. I'd also heard how she had ganged up with another manager and questioned a very nice hard working employee who had some misgiving about the way a new proposal was to be implimented. It is as though there are people in life who you just don't really need to know a great deal about, but immediately can put them into a category. They are the not so nice persons. My epithany was I disliked far too many coworkers and should give up on those silent thoughts and voodoo curses I'd projected in their directions. They can't really help being complete twats, or having something defective in their character. In the meantime it was a waste of energy for me, even the whisp of a thought is a waste of energy. Perhaps equating to a fraction of a granual of sugar, but sometimes thoughts run away so quickly or automatically they are difficult to control. But very fortunately mouths are, because with all these thoughts if I didn't have control of my gob I'd of been sacked quite a time ago.