Saturday, June 07, 2008

Phobia's for everything

It is said there is a phobia for everything. So many things to be afraid of although there's probably people walking about who have more or less phobias than others. If there were an average number of phobias I wonder how many it would be. Five, six maybe more. Of course there are all the common ones which easily can be accounted for. For instance, spiders, drowning, falling, heights, rabid dogs being beaten up by a giant marsh mellow intent on eating your liver. No, the last one there is something I made up. But then is it valid to have phobias about things which are not real? Are they then actually called a phobia? No body likes nightmares and would say if it were possible to have a phobia of nightmares we'd all have one. Yet it is something we have no choice over. Perhaps a phobia is something which can be avoided. As with Jack Nicholoson in the film As Good As it Gets. Walking on cracked pavements was something he tried to avoid. Whereas nightmares are unavoidable. Like Taxes, change, getting old, ill and dying. Yes, dying. My particular favourite.

Then I suppose everything has to be faced up to sometimes. Somethings you can only do once. Unless you happen to be Buddhist. If I stick a finger in each pie, I might scold them all, but then I can get to taste the tip of each one. Unfortunately with too many different tastes to discern things could get confusing. Taste buds mixed up, and I could end up puking. The answer. Quite simple. Stick to one pie at a time, keep it cool, and remember the cream. Food, well, I suppose there has to be a pleasure amongst all these fears.

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