Sunday, August 10, 2008

A walk in the rain

I’d been stuck inside, doing nothing. Just taking it easy, rather too easy. But then what else are Sunday’s for if not to rest? After watching more than enough TV, taking an afternoon nap because I felt tired, and making a rhubarb crumble, which didn’t turn out so well, I went for a walk. I knew after the program was over I was going out. To extend my legs, breath different air. Anything to get out.

Thing was my timing. It was sunny in the morning, however this afternoon it had rained on and off. Looking out the back door the clouds threatened. They were bordering onto the deepest greys. However this was of no matter. Sometimes the sky holds an aura of fear, but never does anything about it. The waters don’t come down, the day threatens and brings any light happiness down. It’s like the weather is saying it will make everyone sad if it can. Unfortunately for the intentions of this dark duvet sun had intermittently scythed through. Like the sword of St Joan. In light of this I decided I would go out regardless. Take an umbrella, but chance it. A short walk would suffice from self enforced captivity.

It takes eight minutes to walk from my house to the shops. I was taking the circuitous route. Past the ruins. There was spitting rain, no more than nats piss. Nothing to worry about, until about four minutes into my walk. Then the clouds parted and decided to shrug off their burden. Were this a chapter in the bible this darkened deluge would have been frogs not rain. And it came down. Down and down and down. The wind whipped up a flurry making the rain actually sweep up and under the umbrella. I held on with both hands. My grip tight. The combination of rain and wind would have been at home in a sea storm. But rather than cower into a shelter, I continued. My jeans were soaked within seconds, right up from the ground to upper thighs. The gusts had become so strong I thought the umbrella would be ripped from my grasp. But in all this I smiled. I breathed in deep, and I laughed out loud. Yes, loudly. It was beautiful. Is this all you got I said? When these words came I didn’t know whether I had spoken them out or just thought them out loud. The wind whipped up major gusts. I could hear cars on the road I walked besides slow down. The high pitched ripple sound of tires aquaplaned through the macadam. I felt alive and smiled and enjoyed every short moment of it.

I don’t know how anyone else would see this same experience. Possibly just complain, of the whole day it was the part which woke me up, the part I remember.

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