Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stiffling the box shifter's parade

Things done today. I pre emted a fellow worker at the Fish Factory from expounding how brilliant and how hard working they were, by doing the outstanding work myself. This individual is a what is commonly know as a box-shifter. The box shifter is someone who takes great delight in moving boxes from one place to another. They do this as fast as they can, they move as many boxes as they can and then they boast of how wonderful they have been. They do not however, do anything which might be taxing on their brains. On account of such brains not getting much use anyway and being stuck in a state of wondering what they will eat for their next meal, or what is the next boast the can inflict on society to boost their own self esteem. So I stopped this from happening. It didn't stop them from boasting however, they just found something else to talk about.

Blooming box shifters, some day someone will come along and change the boxes into something else like giant spikey balls, coated in deadly poison. It'll be interesting to see how many they can cope with then.

1 comment:

Memory Power said...

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