Saturday, November 09, 2013

Time, memory, a tune on the Uke and a rasp

Time is relative and it goes by very fast. I need to talk to my dentist about this as I'm well overdue a check up. However, with my mouth open and his arm down my throat it'll be difficult to discuss. It's been ages since my last blog, blooming ages. It feels like it. Outside of my window fireworks going off. Bright sparkles explode in the sky.  So what have I been doing with myself which keeps me from writing words?  Working. Simple as pie, and 1, 2, 3.  Working.  However, when I think about it I'm lazy to a large extent. On account of taking an  hour lunch break and actually using it for lunch rather than going to the shops to do things. Hell, I need new shoes and it would be productive to get some, but instead the heels and soles wear away because my belly says it wants food. However, my head has being saying I'm fed up with being fat and it is about time I felt more comfortable and lost some of it.  As usual it's always getting the motivation to do it. Not to mention the time as well.  It's bloody weird, I may have got to be a middle fish in the factory but there seems to be a hell of a lot of admin tasks I do.  It makes me think why on earth am I doing these things, there should be a clerical little fish to do them.  It's all bloody maintenance work.  Always on the go and always fire fighting. In one training session this week the trainer seemed to think private sector employees worked harder, I'm not so sure of that, and they soon found out this was not the case when the reflex response was voiced.  Have I ever said I hate accountants, on account of them only looking at finance and saying things like "we must get more done with less," for if they got paid less then the extra funds could be used to get extra fishes.  Something which I'm sure an accountant of any description would not even consider.  BANG. There goes another firework.

The last couple of weeks I have been completely infatuated with trying to learn and sing a song on my ukulele (Harvey).  It's by Asaf Avidan and is called "The Recogning Song." It is short and easy enough to sing, I like the rhythm and the notes they go well together.  It also kinds of strikes me how songs and music are sung to different melodies. Singing the words to a song is follows a different tune to the actual tune. This I think is probably true with a lot of songs.  Either that or I am completely stone deaf or is it tone deaf.  It's the age. When in fifties I didn't realise forgetting things would be as big a problem as it is.  I can walk from one room to anther and forget why I did it.  Go back to the original room, sit down, remember what I was about to do, then go into the second room again and forget.  You couldn't make a comedy out of it because people wouldn't believe it, but it is true, I'm losing my marbles.  They are just dropping out of my ear and going rolling down the street. Someone will be lucky enough to use them for something.  I just hope the new memory of Asaf's song stays in my head so I am able to sing it at some time, to someone.  It's odd but I'm even starting to get over the hysterical laughter as I play a tune on Harvey and sing the words. As Sparkling has told me before, it's a matter of getting both the tune and the words right and she's told me it's not working.  Well it's starting to get there now, even if I can't remember what is getting there, something bloody well is. I hope so anyway.

Little Baby J has given us her first raspberry.  I saw a video of it on Face-book.  It was wonderful, I must of watched it three or four times in a row and laughed so much, because she is really a very cheeky little girl. This stage of development isn't something I learnt about when I was studying psychology, which when I think of it could of been a bit more descriptive. But then the problem with psychologists is they are always trying to figure out what is going on in someone's head. Hell, it must be the hardest thing to think about when talking about a baby who can't talk, is teething and the best thing since sliced bread is being able to ween.  Baby J is so beautiful she has everyone around her little fingers.  She will never be short on love. Sparkling spent an entire day with her and told me how it tired her out in the end. But she really enjoyed every moment of it. Sparkling is the proudest Gaga there has ever been. She's also a naughty Gaga as Rock Chick has said she is not to feed Baby J chocolate, even if it happens to be a very small amount.  Awwe, poor Baby J.  I can't wait to see her again and see her smile and see if she will rasp at me.  Cheeky little monkey. 

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