Monday, May 05, 2014

The end of one week and start of another

Ever since I started to read a book about improving memory, there has been a few times where I've  forgotten things and also how difficult it is to improve memory.  See my other blog on this topic  but it doesn't stop me from trying. This afternoon I spent an hour and a half on the doorstep as I'd forgotten my front door keys.  Typical.  I rang up Sparkling Eyes to tell her about my predicament and she thought it funny.  It seems any inconvenient predicament I get myself into the funnier it is.  If only I could get this brain to work a bit faster and be more efficient. Hence reading a book on memory.  Years ago when I used to do a lot of running I considered myself an athlete, and now I am becoming a brain athlete, which fortunately doesn't mean spending so much time on the streets pounding the pavements. But I'm still pounding the pavements and fortunately now it is at a slower pace.

It's been good taking an extra day off from the Fish Factory.  Except I've actually done a seven day week so this is the eighth day and it's my day off.  This evening has been  a catch up session on the week's politics programs, my last post said I was going cold turkey, but it got broken after 16 hours.  Not too bad, but I got to try harder.  I really have no doubt in my mind I'm a TV addict, I need therapy, but where to they give you therapy for watching too much TV?  Tomorrow is Tuesday, which inevitably comes after Monday unless it was the end of the world. Take my word though the world will not end on Tuesday. Wednesday I can't be so sure about unless I'm in rehab with the other TV addict junkies.  They say humans use only a fraction of their brain, it's like the human brain has been made for some future event or circumstance I'm sure TV isn't it. If only I could remember my keys and keep the memory in some other part of my brain a bit where it obviously doesn't leak. 

Oh well, back to sitting on the steps.

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