Sunday, May 28, 2017

Princess J is 4 today

Today will be Princess J's 4th birthday and she is really growing up. I had the pleasure of being her best pal most of yesterday, this was a very important job which began early in the morning. When she decided she would wake me up having spent the night sleeping with her Gaga, Pops had been regaled to the spare room. I could hear her outside the door saying she wanted to wake pops. So to help her out the kindle was hidden under a pillow and I pretended to be asleep. The door creaked open and little feet marched towards the bed, her voice gently called out "Pops, Pops" no movement. A little bit of fake snoring was thrown in. Princess climbs on the bed and looks straight into my face again "Pops, wake up" some more snoring and now her little button has been pressed because the go softly treatment is over with. She shouts "Pops, wake up!" Of course at this point who would not wake up?

The entire morning I'd become Princess J's best play friend. It meant being shot with a water spray and running away from her as she giggled uncontrollably, holding down the sea-saw and swing at the end of the garden as she went up and down as high as she could possibly go while the legs of the fruniture did their best to pull out of the grass. Then there was the hour or so run on the local children park, again up and down on swings, and round and round on an assortment of playground kiddy toys. Followed a a few rolls down a small grass hill and the intermingled game of trying to keep Princess J's summer hat on her when she didn't want to wear it so just kept throwing it on the ground. Each time she was told-off she laughed more, because to her it didn't matter as this was all fun and fun is always the most important thing in the world. Certainly to every four year old, something us adults very much need to relearn, our laughter may well be more sophisticated but a child's laugh is the purest of all.

So Sparkling Eyes (Gaga) has now spent over two hours making sandwiches for the party, in her concern for the taste of young children she knows exactly not to mix adult tastes with the taste of a child. Theirs is more simple I am told. They like cheese, cheese with about anything is OK. I did the dishes and picked some fresh mint and chives from the garden. For a little mint and chives sprinkled over dip and things looks nice. Sparkling said she will drive today because she is more careful and will have to drive slowly. We'll head down to Rock Chick's place in a couple of hours time.

Princess J got a bicycle. When she first saw it she was a little quiet. For it was not a Paw Patrol bicycle, but it didn't matter for shortly afterwards she was on her bike with her Dad going to the shops and Rock Chick had a little emotional cry as she saw her daughter grow up another year. Funny both I and Sparkling had a moment when we thought of Princess opening up her bicycle and then just staring at it trying to take in that it was not Paw Patrol, because she is fixated with Paw Patrol and everything she has must be Paw Patrol endorsed. Any manufacturer in the world who makes items for children must have a very close eye on the trends they keep. The Night Garden has been kicked into tenth place, opening any kind of chocolate egg and finding a toy is first place. Any new Disney child film with lots of songs also rates up there pretty high.

The party hasn't began but, the day has and it will be beautiful and sunny.

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