Saturday, June 17, 2017

Big Brother 2017 - Imran and Sukvinder go

Well another series of Big Brother is back, and within two weeks we've seen the loss already of a number of contestants.  This week however we saw Imran get voted out and Sukvinder decided of her own accord she would go as well. Thank heavens. For Sukvinder has come across as an emotionally unstable brdering psyychotic personality. Everything has to be her way and what should of been Imran's exit was gate crashed by her. Now to Imran.

Imran had engineered himself as the mediator type personality, the father and husband who could have a good time, but in reality besides having Sukvinder as his wife, he came across as bland. Mind he is not out to tear his clothes off and show off his body because he's married, he's not out to try and impress anyone except his own wife. What we saw from Imran was a man dedicated to his wife but perhaps also present in this dedication was an element of controlling personality. Yes, he was always there for her but in one incident to do with Sukvinder hiding a bottle of wine and insisting it was so she could pull it out and share it with her friends, Imran did make a judgement of Suki, he did indicate she should not of done it. Further his downfall was he failed to actually listen to her, Sukvinder's emotional stability got worse and she had a full melt down come near breakdown. It was at this time I wondered whether they could sustain their relationship. However, within a few hours they are cuddling together and Suki is crying.

In the BB house Imran was voted up for nomination and it was noticeable how some housemates thought he ignored them on purpose and didn't want to engage with them, Kayleigh, Rebecca and Chantelle all alluded to his behaviour. It was as though he came across as aloof, a trait which may be considered epidemic amongst males who practice the religion of Islam. Maybe, maybe not. I also might be that he genuinely found these younger girls held no interest for him at all so would not be bothered to engage in any kind of getting to know you discussion. Or it might of been because he was aware Sukvinder could take it as if he were trying to chat up younger females and go all psycho, the likes of an arguement which could not be shown on any TV. I could see her now chasing after the women with a recently sharpened carving knife not helping herself if she went on a murderous spree. At the end of it she'd feel completely justified.

Just as there was a clearly viewable dark side to Sukvinder there was a less obvious dark side to Imran, the BB supporters and voters chose wisely and more so for a single vote they evicted two. Now Big Brother is down two contestants as Arthur walked out as well and if it continues then BB 2017 would end two weeks early. So given it has just started my betting is two more new housemates are about to come in, if not there must be at least one more. This to has been in part confirmed by Emma Willetts on BBOTS Friday 16.06.17. Emma would not spill the beans because it's her job the question will when are the new housemates going into the house?

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