Sunday, May 30, 2021

A brief return to London

The lockdown period is nearly at a prescribed end. However, before it does end I find myself just about to head down from Scotland to London. I haven't missed London as much as I've enjoyed the love of my beautiful wife Sparkling Eyes. To have a near year of waking up with her, getting drunk and enjoying the TV in her company has been wonderful. There's been the odd disagreement but it's OK to disagree, its how you disagree with someone you love which matters. It's about caring for each other and having fun. Having seen move of the grandchildren I've  learnt a lot more about them. Their two little personalities really have shined out and they are so different from each other, Princess J has just turned 8 and she is as energetic as the day she was born, she wants to be doing things all the time. Whereas little Car Boy who loves cars is much slower in his growing up. He takes it easy, likes to sit down and have cuddles, likes to sing the wheels on the bus go round and round and of course he always likes playing with his Cars. I love them as well. In Short it has been fantastic.

Except for the rain. It's like the country has had nothing but rain right up to late May. It's been a difficult time trying to grow seeds then putting the plants out only for them to die or be eaten by mice or slugs. The struggling life of an allotmentier goes on. 

So I'll be off tonight to London and to see how Ma is. She's 80 now and has the frailties of an old 80 year old. I also now tell her I love her after phone conversations, just resigned she will not ever understand how growing up with her as a mother was problematic to say the least. Not everyone is suited to motherhood and there is no test to see who is and who isn't. A little like voting and understanding politics.

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