Thursday, June 03, 2021

Yep in London and working

 So here I am back in London for a week, maybe a little more. I head into the office to work, there are three sets of desks which combined could hold about 25 people. But they were never filled anyway. Now it's just me, nobody else. It's quiet. I pop onto twitter intermittently and hope no staff from other teams walk behind me on the way to the toilets. Hell, part of me doesn't give a shite. I miss my beautiful wife and I really don't know why I am here. Except my job is here and my mother is here and she's like a baby needing attention, needing things done because nobody else does it. No one else in the family seems to help. She's now 80 years old.

Over Xmas she'd broken her hip falling on a pavement curb. I'm sure I told her about that particular pavement because the curb was higher than normal. I'd tripped myself. She fractured her pelvis and then spent near on 6 weeks in hospital. She also caught the COVID while in hospital, but got over it like it was a snivel and was nothing. I got half her genes so with a little luck if it comes my way I to might sail through it. Whereas my wife thinks the whole thing is a conspiracy of sorts. The COVID isn't killing as many people as you think she would argue. I managed to kind of get over the hurdle of having a wife who disagrees with me. But it's good she does because it wouldn't be so much fun. I never say I told you so, because it would be met with an onslaught. But I love it and love her. Mentally it took a bit of effort to get over being called a Boris cock sucker for believing the Tories. The COVID however is not about the Tories only, it is real and is a pandemic. We are just extremely lucky the death count and virulence isn't higher. It's not an Ebola, but if it were the whole country would be in deep shit. 

Again I'll say it a thousand times, the COVID has been a great opportunity to spend so much time with my beautiful wife Sparkling Eyes. It has deepened my affection so much more. She reminds me it took me long enough to get married and realise she was the best thing ever. It's true. About 25 years if all be told. It's kind of sad we're only going to be on our third anniversary in October, but in reality it's probably our 28th anniversary. Time does fly by so quickly.

When I'm at work I try and take notes of all the things I do. Not just as a justification to show I am working but to somehow memorise them. It don't particularly help my memory but then the problem with work is it's like running up a slippery hill. You never feel you are on top of it. Quite often I forget things and I've come to the conclusion it's because I'm distracted. Whether it be a phone call, an email or something else. An interruption stops my train of thought. I'm a quality person not a quantity person. I like to do my best and when a job is completed hope it doesn't rear it's ugly head again. There are way too many employees who think they must just shift boxes. And they're the ones who make mistakes, bad decisions and their work raises like shit to the surface again. Shit is the very operative word. If I were a ruthless bastard and had more power, these persons would be sacked. But I don't have more power and have learned to quell my thoughts. For making a decision on a reactionary basis is never a good thing to do. Always sit and think about it.

I can't wait to get out of London and be in Scotland again. With my wife and my real family. It will happen shortly. Grandchildren are like beautiful little sparkles and bundles of absolute joy.

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