Monday, June 13, 2022

Leaving a job

I'm leaving my job. I've been in a local authority for many years, and although where I'm going is much less money, I'm leaving. For the new job is going to be in my new permanent home in Scotland. With the beautiful Sparkling Eyes, the wifey. 

All of my team have in some way said they will miss me and that I've done a good job. They probably say this because I try not to let them feel they are pressurised even though the work can be pressurised. Personally I don't give a crap for the management above me but I do like the people I work with. But then I am their manager so they must keep on my good side, yet I prefer if they speak their mind and show their true colours. For if I get something wrong then I have to make amends and get it right.

Each Monday at work is the most difficult because I have to set out a set of work tasks for my staff. This means starting work early, usually about 7 a.m. I will deliver them an email with a link to the work to be done and I'll also throw in some humour. They need a laugh, we all do. Today I said I was a Captain of the plane and they were not to try the exits while in flight. I was the only one with a parachute and had tried them myself, so it was no good opening them. Further, if they were really worried, then they should by extra insurance of the air stewards. I don't know if it gave them a little chuckle but I hope so. We all work hard and the man who is the head doesn't barely know any of his staff and wants to crack a whip. He also gives more to another section, which is not what his core job is about. For some reason, I have no respect for him. I used to fantasise what it would be like if he was inexplicably no longer in the work place because something bad had happened to him. It's remarkable how the brain can work to pull together a fake situation and get revenge. Because to be a leader of any organization requires more than looking at the costs of the organization, it means inspiring staff, accepting their importance, praising them for real, getting involved with them. And always striving to better the organization. This fella does none of that and I can't stomach him. In fact, I've got a problem with manager types, the vast majority I don't like, want nothing to do with and can't get on with. I only really became a manager so the managers above me couldn't tell me what to do anymore. The immediate ones couldn't but then it brought me a step closer to the grandparent manager, who became my parent manager. 

I don't like sycophants of any kind and wonder whether staff are being buddies because this is their nature, but if they were then there wouldn't be as many as there is. So maybe they do like me. Maybe I have done something right. I've seen a lot of arse lickers and have had enough. No doubt there will be some at my new job. But it will only be 8 years and I'll retire. Wifey says I am a push over as a manager, she's heard me on the phone and thinks my job is easy. But then she had previously done a very manual and difficult job. So she can now see how the other half live, or rather work. She likes the idea of an easier life and admin would be right up her ally. She's one smart cookie. Well she had to be to get married to me. Let it be known though I am very lucky, very lucky indeed, because she is a wonderful woman and one who is ying to my yang or whatever. Without her my working would have no meaning.

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