Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Westminster Abbey and Cathedral

Today I went with some friends to see Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral. One was built for protestants the other for Catholics. As a protestant Church of England not much of a goer, my view is obviously biased to Westminster Abbey. However, the Abbey is more expensive to get into, I was shafted for £10 quid before I'd even had a whiff of some incense. And to tell the truth there wasn't any incense burning either. However, I consoled myself the money I paid was going on the heating, it was blooming cold outside. The ceiling were incredibly high about 4 or 5 double decker buses high or maybe even higher. But it sure is a beautiful church. Except for all the kings and queens. Too many of them and they weren't burried in the floor so you didn't get the satisfaction of walking over them.

I found the story of poor old Oliver Cromwell interesting, and couldn't help wondering if he was one of the first real communists of this world. It saddened me to find he had been buried in the church for only 3 years and then they dug up his rotted carcass and hung it. It was a belated revenge for what he did. Personally, I'd just like the idea of getting rid of the monarchy so much, it's one of those things I will hold with me all my life, and I'm not a commy. If I could go back in time, I'd be fighting for Cromwell and I'd probably give him some advised to kill off all the remaining Kings and Queens and royal lineage. Make the country a republic. It's just obscene how royalty should own so much of the country, take so much of our taxes and not have the hard graft of life like the average Joe in the street. I'd see the queen go and collect her pension from the post office, then for her to pick up the crap from one of her own corgis and later balance her own bank account to see if she's got enough money to pay her winter gas bill. It's a chip on my shoulder, a big one. One so big sometimes I fall over, can't get through doorways or have to spew forth a torrent of abuse at any royal figure of speach. You'll never see a royal cued on an NHS waiting list that's for sure.

As for Catholics, I must admit I do have some catholic friends, but I've never liked the way the Catholic religion sees itself above other religions. To an extent the same thing is happening now in Iraq with the Muslim Sunni and Shia branches, each killing the other. If Jesus Christ ever conceived religion would be one of the causes of the worlds deaths, he'd of probably gone back to his old man and said, "dad I've had enough of that, give us a bit of wood, I think I'll stick to making cupboards." We all need a good carpenter, very useful, much more useful than a sitting on thrown useless piece of flesh called a monarch. The other side to it is monarchs can not be Catholics even today because of some Act in 1701. Now here's an idea lets abolish both at the same time. Ship them all over to America. It's about time we shipped some of our crap over there, because after all lets face it Blair does an overwhelmingly good Bitch to Bush Act. Whatever Bush says Blair does. He's jumped through so many hoops for Bush he's become pretty good at it. We all see it now. Anyone in the UK I mean. Blair will go out with nearly as much distaste as Evil Maggie Thatcher did. Except Blair's downfall was the big Con of the UK, suckeringg us into Bush's War. Bloody soap box, I'll fall through it if I keep going on.

So if you fancy somewhere warm in London during the cold weather, check out Westminster Abbey except for the cost. Now what I wonder is, if there's no God can I go back and get a refund?

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