Saturday, November 14, 2009

Too much silence makes you go mad

There is one thing necessary for concentrating on anything at all. It is simply peace and quite. And although there are people out there in this world who believe they can multi task, the reality is any job which requires some attention can not be done through multitasking. Not conscientiously to any degree. Lets also add, there is no such thing as multi-tasking, because the brain just switches resources from one thing to another. This is why it is dangerous to drive a car and to talk on a phone at the same time. Even though it is illegal in the UK, I see this happen every day. So it means our laws are not strong enough. Or the consequences not considerable enough. I heard it said in one country if a motorist has an accident and a pedestrian is involved, the law immediately forms an opinion of guilt and maximum sentencing. It is then for the motorist to prove otherwise. What a remarkable notion. It might be Germany, but I really don't know.

Today I did a few hours in the Fish Factory and without the humdrum of gibberish being spoken around me, or various attention stealers it has been pleasant. Particularly as I was stuck on a problem trying to deal with an Excel Fish sheet. No matter how I thought about this problem of entering a fish cake, I didn't know if there was a particular fish recipe I needed but didn't know about or whether I already knew it but just didn't know how to mix it together in the right proportions. With concentration and some meandering around I found the answer. An answer which has taken a fraction of the time to construct a Fish sheet where others have taken weeks. Concentration did it and peace helped. I kept thinking about all the years of education I'd had in evening classes and wished I'd paid more attention. However, I got to the solution, partly from being bloody minded, but also because I knew there was a solution and if I could of gone back in time a few years ago I'd of realised the answer in two shakes of a lamb's tail. Mind I don't know how long it does take to shake a lamb's tail. The thing was the answer came to me, or rather I found it and the solitude helped enormously. This is efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Sparkling has just told me how she needed some space and vanquished off Rock Chick and Dangerous Sports boy into the belfries. I don't blame her. A hard day at work can make you crave for alone time. Except in my case I've spent the day alone and working with Fish. It can only be because I'm nuts. At one point I did wonder about talking out aloud while I was chopping off heads and tails. Then a crazier thought entered my mind. It was what would happen if I heard a reply especially when there was no one around. Then I would truly be hallucinating. Not being a taker of drugs, unless I got a hangover or migraine it could mean madness had eventually caught up with me. Yes. And there I was thinking I had out ran it. Well maybe I was pretty fleet of foot for a fat man. Yes I can be. So I get to live another day without being banged up in an asylum. Well, one can be thankful for small mercy's, as long as they don't talk back to you.

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