Monday, November 30, 2009

Give me a shelf of Larynxs

I got into the Fish Factory this morning, with a bright and breezy feeling. Anticipating the day and thinking it's good to be here when the rest of the gang hadn't taken up residence. Made a coffee, sat down. Sneezed as usual. Pored the coffee into my cup then had a sip. Within two or three seconds I began coughing. No matter what I did, the cough would not stop. It sounded bad. Although I was feeling just a little run down with a pretty bad cold. Having no control over it was the clincher and meant I had to make the decision to go. Just leave the factory and spend a day indoors. To tell the truth though, I'd rather of been in the factory. I'm not sure what it is, but as my voice has got real croaky I'm guessing it's some kind of throat thing. Larynx problem. I sound horse or toad like. With one of those gruff sexy voices, not quite Barry White, but still gruff. When I speak it's like forcing words out of my mouth because my voice box just doesn't want to give them up, it wants to hold on to them. So I don't speak much. I can't. It's not my choice. Though I expect there might be some people who would think this good. It would be the time to pick an argument and know they were going to win it, I'd be at a complete and utter disadvantage. Yep. Some I'm sure do like the notion of having all the cards stacked in their favour. Generally though, I don't mind it, but when I don't have the option, well it's like being on a bus and finding someone has disengaged the bell so you just don't know if the driver is going to bother to slow down or even stop where you want him to.

It's a pity I couldn't just pick up a spare larynx at the paper shop. Like a box of matches. You only get one larynx, treat it with care. Love it tenderly, never strain it. Please come back larynx I'll never take advantage of you again and think you will always be there, because today you have given me a taste of life without you. I can't take it. I need my voice, I need to be heard.

It even seems Sparkling's not replying to my text messages. Mind this morning when I sent my text while on a train, I got an immediate reply. Only to find it was just a text Sparkling had sent to me at the same time. Precisely the same time. OK my larynx may not be working but there is some kind of second sense kicking in here. It's happened a couple of times over the last few weeks. I send a text and she sends at the same moment. Don't know if it's spooky, I don't see it such a way, rather comforting in especially knowing the one you love thinks of you just the same moment you think of them. Larynx, oh larynx where are you. Fingers can get tired of typing and texting, come back oh larynx. What about some ice cream, maybe a little tuti-fruiti? Where's the freezer?

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