Thursday, November 19, 2009


Chrimbo is nearly coming. For some reason there isn't as many adverts on TV as there normally is trying to sell things we can't live without at Chrimbo. Childrens toys. A result of the recession no doubt. I must admit I've managed to live without childrens toys for some years. Then this happens when adulthood eventually arrived. Though for some it never does. Completely lost in the world of superheroes, comic book characters and Japanese manga. I'll admit to a little Sci Fi now and again, but this is allowable. We all have flaws. Most of mine nowadays tend to be grey ones. Grey hairs to be more precise. Or the lack of hairs. Or the over indulgence. Saying I remember when I used to be skinny is not a good thing. But I was. Skinny. Actually come to think of it I can understand being lost in a world of crazy different fantasy worlds. Like a second, third or forth childhood. Though why things which don't exist? Maybe it's just the feeling of being taken back to yesteryear when younger. When stronger and not as vulnerable, bald, grey or fat as today. Is it me or do I sound depressive I ask.

As the wonderful old song goes. Heck I had to say old. O.K. as the wonderful song goes, the one by Monty Python. "Always look on the bright side of life." The cat is scratching while I write. he's about to have a dump. Wonderful.

This is a good time to think of cherry blossom and gentle fragrances. The alternative is far stinkier.

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