Wednesday, May 04, 2011


I have a belief that Stinky our cat has some personality defect, or simply is just fruit and nuts.  He has a bad habit now of sitting his furry arse down and just pissing around the house.  There are little hot spots or rather wet spots where he does this.  So at every opportunity I get I throw him out in the garden.  Now the little bugger must be saving his piss up because 9 out of 10 times he will plonk his backside on some dirt and let rip.  So why he does this I don't know.  I do know he also has a phobia about going out of the house so it makes things worse.  He will not of his own accord meow at the door to go out.  He'll meow like a banshee to get in, but not to go out.  He is very particular about his dirt tray as well.  If it is even the smallest bit soiled he'll not use it a second time.  It is like a one use only throw away option. So it's not too difficult to come to the conclusion he has some kind of anxiety issues.  In the meantime if stroking, loving and caring for him doesn't help I'll have to ask him whether he would like to take up a different occupation other than that of cat.  Like fur coat.  No.  I jest.  I'd never do it.  But I can't help it if he pushes the buttons.  For now I'm sure he has pissed somewhere else and I'll not say where it is but it was in another room which wasn't the toilet.  So watch out Stinky, whether you are suffering from a mental illness or potty training you are now officially getting on my tits.

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