Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day three and notch three

So far it has been a successful day on the food and exercise front.  I cycled to the Fish Factory and I cycled home.  But I will admit this morning it was cold with a little mist about, the cycling though soon warmed me up.  Each time I reached my destination I felt an exercise high and remembered why it was I used to exercise a lot before but now have become complacent. Odd but I'm even getting to feel my posture is a little better. Like I am standing up straight rather than hunched.  As though being hunched is some kind of disease which gets everybody in the end.  Well it doesn't.  Or maybe it's a belly thing, you know the bigger your belly is the more the body has to somehow balance itself out.  I'm not sure whether I'll cycle tomorrow, one day a week might be sufficient or I could give it a day's break.  Tomorrow is also going to be warmer and I don't want to sweat and stink more than the Fish in the Fish Factory.  The problem with being fat is persperation and normal deodorants just can't always cope when things get hot. They might be OK for the less gravity challenged person, but not for the higher impact gravity individual. 

Besides the exercise and the change in diet in the back of my mind is a little devil, he is waiting for me to give in, waiting for temptation to take a hold and as the notches are passing those temptations are all the more salient.  It is so difficult.  Especially mid morning and mid afternoon when I'd make a coffee and go for a healthy biscuit which isn't healthy at all, it's just packaged and masquerading as something one of the skinny people would eat.  The reality is skinny people don't eat much at all, which is why they are so skinny.  Day three and I haven't been in the pub either.  I'll be going cold turkey soon with all this clean living.  One thing I am beginning to realise is how I am ruled by my appetite and my belly.  Or rather the effect of different foods on it and I am feeling better for the abstinence.  How long it will go on for I don't know.  It could be just one of those little phases or it may be the beginnings of a completely new life style.  I know one thing, when I stop counting the days and the notches I'll have even more control, but that could be a little way off.  Especially with the season of festivity soon upon us.  Which reminds me I must purchase my next ticket to see Sparkling.

Chrimbo is a time to really pig out, but the end result isn't much good.  Being more stuffed than a turkey could ever be.  Farting, burping, sleeping and instead of walking, rolling everywhere.  Chrimbo should come with a health warning.  It is dangerous.  Odd how at a time when human kind should be thinking of other people that it suddenly digresses into an orgy of glutony.  A good example of which is the Chrimbo pudding, a grenade of intense over sweet flavours which has been designed to sink ships.  If unlukily enough you get a pud which has coins in, then it's only purpose is to break teeth.  It's hardly anything to be excited over.  A broken tooth on Chrimbo day and no dentists open.  It's almost as though the creator of the Chrimbo pud was a less than philanthropic dentist.  They should be banned.  I notice nobody has developed a cellery pudding, or a carrot pudding, both of which certainly sound a little healthier.  Of course things could be worse, at least I'm not a turkey.

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