Friday, February 20, 2015

An out of date IQ test

When I was in my 20s I took an IQ test set up by Mensa. Thinking I was smart and would get in. Before I took the test I went and had a chinese meal, which later on I thought was a mistake. On account of as your body digests food blood flows to the stomach rather than the brain. So I completed the test and an appropriate time later got my score. It was 133, I was disappointed because it was not enough to join Mensa, even though it was quite high.  I also recall the test I sat was about twenty years old at the time. So contributed my lower score to two factors. Being stupid and eating a large meal before I did the test and it most likely being out of date. Because when you think about it, questions set two decades ago are going to be different from the current day's relevant questions. The result was I didn't get into Mensa. So what. This became a minor chip on my shoulder because in part I wanted to join an elite group who think they are better than other people. A little like rich people might feel. Fortunatley the socialist part of me now thinks I am glad I'm not one of them, because as it turns out the odd person I did meet who was in Mensa in my opinion was a bit nutty. Sometimes nuttier than a fruit cake at Christmas. So to a certain extent it was fortunate, I'm not as smart as I think I am and do have a bit of humility.  Or I hope so.

Therefore the moral of the story is, don't be a smart ass because nobody likes self ingratiated idiots who have a few screws loose.

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