Friday, February 06, 2015

Perez is booted

It is sad that Perez Hilton is out of Celebrity Big Brother which is sad from my point of view because I found him to be fantastic entertainment, and contrary to popular view someone who was true to himself. He did not care about kicking off, making fun, being annoying, it was brilliant. There is no doubt Perez was loud, very loud and the kind of person a lot of people just could not put up with when stuck in a confined space. However, I just don't understand all the negative feelings for Perez did a lot, whereas a lot of pretty people did very little. Callumn Best, god what a boring pretty boy he is, where on earth did they dig this guy from? He is I understand famous in his own right, mostly for being a man whore and being on lots of reality TV.  The thing is he is not in any way an interesting person, he's possibly a bit on the slow side if we are really truthful about it.

Just before Perez was booted Anthony Kavanagh a has been singer who had his lime light once and has gone past his sell by date who gets verbally abusive when he drinks too much vodka. The Devil's juice Kav called it.  But Perez was fantastic, when he attacked it was because he was provoked. When he said bad things about other house mates it was because they had said bad things about him. There are only two days left and one thing is for sure it will be somewhat stilted without Perez fooling about.Other complete bores are Michelle Visage, Keith Chegwin and Katie Price has also been a complete unevent.  Perez's arch nemeis Katie Hopkins has the appeal of a Tory turd and again of little interest. In terms of winning I don't know but I can say, none of those left are worthy of winning they have no appeal.  The real winner has unfortunately been booted, Perez mate you were brill. Thanks for your part in this show.  Which should as we know, been called the Perez Show.

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