Monday, March 02, 2015

A spine tingling chill followed by ninja flu

I have been hit with the flu, it began on a Thursday, but not obviously.  Sitting at a desk while working a chill crawled up my spine. What is this chill I thought? Looking around the Fish Factory I could see some windows open.  The windows are always opened by people who sit in the hottest part of the office and noticeably they are usually women in the cycle of hormonal change. Their flushings affect everybody.  But still these women will continue to sit in the hottest part of the office and wear jumpers and then open the window. You couldn't write a comedy sketch on how nonsensical it is. They will sit there and complain about the heat but are so wrapped up an Eskimo would be jealous. In the meantime every other poor sod shivers away and some even put a coat on in the office.  Yet the menopausal woman will not acknowledge anything and just say "isn't it hot in here?"  I usually turn around and give them the evil stare, thinking through my evil stare thoughts well why the hell don't you take off your angora jumper and thermal underwear you so proudly tell everyone you wear.  I once asked one woman to close the window because it was could and she said the inevitable "but i'm hot" to which I replied "why don't you take your cardigan off then" and then she looked at me like I was the idiot. Hell no, this cardigan is glued to my body, I was born with it and I will die with it and it is not leaving my body.  So it is with hormonal menopausal women there's not much you can do because it's not just their body flushings sometimes, not always their brains are affected.  Give me a break.

So the Friday came, I still goes into the Fish Factory and know something is going well so I wear a jumper all day long. My eyes are starting to stream and the headache is about to kick in.  Like a Ninja the virus has crept up on me and began it's attack in earnest and I hadn't quite understood this. By lunch time it is bad, but being a soldier I struggle on. it's going to be a short day for me. I get out as soon as I can and head home.  In the door, up the stairs and straight into bed.  I stay in bed for approximately 36 hours, the first 24 shivering constantly even though I've borrowed the same Eskimos quilt to keep warm I'm just not hormonal and cant stop a quivering.  I might of been a long time in bed but it felt like I didn't sleep a wink my body was at some homoeostatic point and losing the battle against the virus I'd contracted. My head was killing me and had been both painful and dizzy for the the entire period.  Like being absolutely pissed and having a hang over at the same time.  When not one drop of alcohol had passed these lips.  No pleasure but lots of pain.

I got up after 36 hours because I was pissed off with it and didn't want to spend the rest of my life in bed. I wanted to know what life is about I wasn't going to die here.  I went out, walking up the road to the shops.  The walk was slow for some balance issues was going on with my head on account of my ears feeling like they were glued up. I call it glue ear.  I get some money from the cash machine and in part enjoying the hot sun beat down on me even though there was a northerly wind making it uncomfortable. A walk which should of taken not more than half an hour to go and return from took about an hour.  I got indoors and my legs were killing me. I felt weak, it could of been a marathon every muscle in my legs was crying out with the effort.  Indoors I nearly collapse and return to bed again. Intermittently during the day getting up and trying to do some things. The Saturday completely lost and the Sunday mostly evaporated into the air except for the marker of actually having walked to the Antarctic unaided and collapsing afterwards.

It's Monday and time to get ready and go to the Fish Factory, I feel I been robbed of my weekend and am still not fully right. Streaming eyes still, head not spinning like it was but still enough to be disorientating.  Coughing still, snotty nose, but I can cope with them but I'm not right for now I can feel the odd hot flush kicking in. They are sudden intense hot sweats. If not the flue then I'm turning into a middle age menopausal woman, I'm going to take the day sick, in either case it's an illness I still haven't overcome.

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