Thursday, July 20, 2006

Day 4 training at the factory

This is my second blog, and i realised very early this morning, a lot of things can happen in a day and it would be impossible to write about them all. So perhaps i just have to pick out those things I think i should write about. Sorry this blog may be depressing, but inside for some reason I'm not blue just thoughtful.

The factory was as unproductive as ever, yet another day wasted learning a computer system which is really supposed to be windows based, but in reality is not. The interface is a shell posing as a windows system. The world of factories is so out of tune with the real world of things that really work.

I listened to good old Radio 4 this morning, and Thought for the Day was on. It was about children being the victims of violence in the Lebanon. I bought an Independent news paper and again after turning a couple of pages saw the picture of a small girl, perhpas 5 years old. Dead by a roadside. A result of an Israeli fighter plane bombing a convoy of 20 vehicles all trying to escape to a less hostile place. They didn't know who she was because her parents were killed as well. When innocents are the victims of crimes it is all the more tragic. The Independent reporter said it was a war crime, I can't help but agree. However, the crisis is two sided between Israel and Lebanon, and it will escalate if Syria become crony Bush's next target. The deepening mire gets deeper still.

Closer to home: Silly Sophia says she is going to drop the charges with the police against her husband beating her up. I feel almost useless because she doesn't seem to want to change her life, and can only see herself as the victim. She wants to be as low as she can get, and even lower. She would allow herself to become an alcoholic like her Rambunctious Rotter ex. All I can do is support her as much as i can. I know she is under pressure from the old goat to go through with her prosecution, but Sophia is at the complete whim of her feelings, her thoughts have not yet had a real chance to understand and accept she can both do something and survive beyond Rotter. Life does go on. And little Monster boy is the most wonderful kid in the world, I'm sure she knows he is, but Sophia can not understood his feelings when he sees his dad beat up his mum. Through the eyes of innocents, violence is witnessed again, if only i could put him in a bubble and play music when these things kicked off. But for now, i'll be there as best i can, she has to make her own decisions perhaps a broken nose may do it next time.