Sunday, October 06, 2013

A beautiful October day

It's Sunday 6th October, by all rights the ground she be frosty, instead as I went out this morning there was a dew on the ground. It looked like frost but it was definitely a dew. The forecast was an unbelievable 20 degrees C, and so it actually was. The sun was low in the sky but it was bright and hard. I could hardly recognise what is a late autumn. Very late autumn. I got up early and decided to spend time with Monster Boy, who because in a short while he will be 13 is nearly no longer a boy at all and nearly a teenager. We did have a little debate about this, wondering at what actual age does a teenager begin to be a teenager. For some are wild earlier than 13 and others later. It is the stage when an individual starts the search to find out who they are and what they are. To date Monster Boy has been straight laced, but I can see the start of rebellion in him. Parents of course are the first point of rebellion, he has his own mind and he is a smart cookie. Unfortunately he still has an infatuation with Start Trek and Star Wars. I am sure now there is no particular hope for him and he will be a Sci Fi junkie and certainly a Trekky for the rest of his life. Even if he manages to live through his teenage years. Apparently he'd been advised he might not get to be a teenager by his brother, his dad and me. I'm sure he will and regardless, I enjoy him talking back to me and also making fun of me, just as I make fun of him.

We took a long walk, up a steep hill, along a main road and then around a lake. There was a lot of people about and although it was great to be out I must admit to being a selfish person and preferring to walk around the lake when there are fewer walkers. Today there were a lot of fair weather walkers enjoying the sun. We chatted all the way. Though I think Monster was not on top form, it seemed he was half tired and I felt a little guilty getting him out and about in such a state. He said he didn't mind. I'm glad I persuaded him not to wear his new trainers because they would of been killing him otherwise. We stopped in Tesco, then went into a cafe for a cup of tea which had suddenly got very busy as it was lunch time, then we left and headed home with a couple of bags of shopping.  The walk back was a little shorter.

At the end of my time with Monster I asked him what he liked and it seemed to be most of the walk. Except he chastised himself for not being able to come up with only 6 alternative ways in which you could help someone who didn't have the sense of smell, and stop them from being killed by a cloud of poisonous gas. It was an exercise in imagination you see and he got ten pence for every idea. I said it was a warm up so as to make him feel a little better and then gave him the challenge of naming ten uses for spaghetti, he came up with 8 uses so it showed he was certainly getting better. In the afternoon I gave him a short ukulele lesson and he laughed as he tried to strum a G chord getting his fingers tangled up. Taking him back home I gave him a slice of cheese I'd bought for him from the supermarket, a banana and a box of chocolate orange matchsticks. Not to mention he ate 8 chocolate biscuits with his glass of milk. He got home happy and as always it was good to see him smile and laugh. Should I now give him another name as soon he will no longer be a boy, even though he says he wants nothing to do with girls. Well, not just yet I'm sure, but I told him if he needed a few lessons I was here, and that my new girl friend was Rhianna. Yes, Kylie just isn't doing it for me at this time.

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