Sunday, October 13, 2013

A chat about a coloquial word, being 13, and humour

This afternoon I took Monster Boy out for a walk. He happened to mention his birthday is next week and he will be 13 years old. For a growing teenager it is amazing to reflect on the time which has passed. I like going for my walks with Monster, although I'll have to think of a new pseudonym for him as he is no longer the little boy of yesteryear and is becoming all worldly knowledgeable. Certainly in the realms of Star Trek, Star Wars and Marvel Superheroes anyway. It is so unfair such a bright young lad is disadvantaged by his upbringing, a family in poverty, depressive mum and alcoholic father. Well I  hope I bring a little bit of mad sanity, which is an oxymoron I know. Monster could not believe he would be 13 either, so I mentioned he had not yet walked around the lake with me and so still may not reach the age of 13. I had referred to his birthday in a non eventful manner and he pulled me up on it. So I put my arm over his shoulders and told him it was a very important time. It's my grumpy old man hat getting being put on when I should of been more cheerful.

He told me about an event which happened in class to do with colloquialisms. He asked what the word "knob"meant. They had been playing  a game where sitting in a circle each person took a turn to say a word which was in some way associated with the previous word. The words came, door, handle and he said knob. There was laughter from the group including his teacher who must of been overhearing. He was serious in his answer and didn't immediately understand. He knew the word "knob" was a colloquial word as well, but didn't fully appreciate it's meaning. So he asked his uncle, moi. I gave him my full interpretation of what it meant and also advised him he had unknowingly created a comic moment. In the fact he was serious in his answer and this was one of the truths of being funny. Saying something funny but being serious, or droll.

On the walk round the lake we came across a tree which had fallen over. It was as though it had been snapped near the base, how it happened I could not tell. There was no tell tale lightening strike. It was a beautiful work of art in a way. I took a picture of it with Monster standing next to it.

Next week he'll be 13 years old. Time as so flown. Flown like an arrow. I recall when Monster was only 5 years old and we sat at the back door eating ice creams. It was a hot day, sun out and beautiful, I said to him this was one of the most happiest days because we sat there together. He said it was good but it would of been better if Doctor Who was real. It's funny how such moments remain in memory for the rest of your life. Just as one of my other most important memories is sitting on a beach in Portugal, eating sardines on bread and looking out over the sea and a replica sailing ship. Sparkling Eyes was sat behind me. I thought this is such a beautiful relaxing view and place to be it must be made indelible. So I visit it once in a while. Of course Doctor Who wasn't there either. 

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