Sunday, March 02, 2014

Cold, flu, stuck indoors, what do you do?

It's been a shite day.  I mean shite. I awoke with a stinking headache, if headaches could stink this would of been an elephant size dung headache, which didn't seem to go away. Eyes watering, nose running, coughing repeatedly. How the hell did I get this, what the hell is going on? I'm just no good for anything and it has felt so cold, maybe this was why I just lay in bed for so long before getting up. Then I got up had breakfast and went back to bed again. It seemed like every moment I was fully conscious was a pain, at least when sleeping it goes away, until you have to cough again. Staying in bed was the best option and so it seems another weekend day where I've not done anything, not gone out, not exercised, not done anything of any value other than stay in my PJs and do the best I could to disengage with the world. It worked in most part. Why is it when you're ill every single second of illness counts, it just drags on and on and doesn't give up. It becomes a matter of getting through the next ten minutes, next half hour, next hour and then marking it off and hoping by some slim chance when you've reached this future point things are better. The dreaded lurgies and gone away, or partly subsided. It's been dragging on from yesterday and it's dragging on now, but a corner has been turned and I will admit to feeling a whole lot better than I did yesterday or this morning.

The day has been filled with TV. I have eaten for breakfast, lunch and tea the latest BBC news. Keeping an eye on the situation in Ukraine, a situation which could result in civil war or war with Russia. The Ukrainian's don't want it, it all began with a corrupt president who looked after himself and cared less for his country than he did his neighbour. Yanokovych is going to be on a wanted list by the International Criminal's Court at some future date, possibly.

I played Candy Crush and lost repeatedly on level 199, it doesn't matter what I do I just can't get past it. I must of played in excess of 100 games at this level and still haven't got through it. When you've hit your head against the wall so many times it has left a dent and the bump is sticking out at some point you have to consider this wall hitting just isn't getting anywhere. Such is the life of trying to get through level 199, I'm even beginning to wonder how Sparkling did it as she has now jumped over a 100 levels in front of me or is it games.  One or the other. I should give up because there are better things I can do with my life than play hours of Candy Crush, it is really pissing me off.

Now I'm ending the day with some films. Then to hit the hay and hopefully tomorrow morning wake up as bright as the day is long. Happy and flu free. Except for the big pile of elephant crap in my room.

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