Saturday, June 13, 2015

Blame it on the muggy weather

It has been hot in London even though there has been no sun. I got on my bicycle and had a little ride, funny how starting out I thought to myself there is no wind this is going to be a good ride. I swear after a few minutes it felt the entire ride was right into the wind. It was tough going and felt slow when climbing small inclines. The plan was to get out and buy some trainers which I did and then returned home stopping off at a Chinese for lunch.  The exercise had a two fold effect, one to get healthy and lose weight the other so as not to pay out in public transport costs. I don't mind riding on the bus except of course when it is overly hot and body odour become the in thing.  The thing about body odour is you can quite easily put up with your own but other people's smells somewhat rank. My legs felt heavy and I deserved the Chinese.  A little bit of pain means you have sacrificed for a little bit of pleasure.

Unusually the trainers I got are black, I got them on account of having a similar pair in Scotland they are Sketchers and found them to be pretty comfortable. They feel as good as a glove on my hand, though a little tight maybe. Wearing these will mean I don't have to wear walking boots and have some leeway now in choice with an in-between footwear. Sometimes boots, shoes or running trainers don't fit the bill as just a plain comfortable non running pair of trainers. Which these are.

  I like to have contingencies wherever possible. Maybe this is why I find myself walking and riding my bike more than ever before as I do my best to save pennies. I feel I am in a financial recession at the moment and am having difficulty making ends meet.  But there are a lot of people who are like this as well in the UK, with a second toxic Tory term this country is going to be bankrupt and go into an even greater recession than it has ever been in.  There it goes again, the doom and gloom prophecy of someone who would prefer to be out there doing something. I need a smack in the head and to be bought around properly. Or a jump into a cold shower to jolt me into cautious optimism and out of negativity. Still I can't help being a little upset with Sparkling.  I'll leave it up to her to text me tomorrow.

Perhaps it's the hot muggy weather, or the fact I didn't sleep well last night. Waking up at 2 a.m. and suddenly finding it near impossible to sleep. Awake but at the same time not wanting to open my eyes and strain reading anything or watching TV.  Maybe it was a little bout of insomnia and that has made me cranky, on the other hand I may not be cranky at all, I might be perfectly fine and the person I should be, which is me and no one else.

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