Sunday, July 12, 2015

5 Things that stop you doing what you want to do and how to overcome them

I will begin this however with one salient fact, if you do want to do something and you want to do it badly enough then you will find a way of doing it. This thing whether it is creating a world record at egg eating, learning to swim, speak another language or simply be happy is achievable.  However, if
the thing involves another person then it may not apply because you can never know what someone else is going to do and you can not control another person they are fully functioning sentient beings with their own agendas in life. What I am saying here is it comes down to attitude and commitment. In which case no obstacle will get in your way in time the thing will be achieved.  From here onwards what stops you from doing that thing?

When doing home work the easiest avoidance is procrastination, whether it is watching TV, reading a book or finding something like watching paint dry. Procrastination gets in the way because what you
should be doing as opposed to what you want to do just does not excite you. This happens even in life tasks. The life task being the thing. Because your thing will involve a number of small steps before reaching the goal so unless full one million percent commitment kicks in some of those small and boring intermediary steps will act as procrastinating blocks.

Getting organized is the mental impetus which allows  you to being how to get where  you want to get. This however is not completely necessary, you can do the thing without being organized, but as soon as you do get organized your progress will be markedly different. For example learning to play an instrument. There is one fundamental tenant to this and it is practice. If you organize yourself to practice every single day at a specific time you are more likely to get on with it than not. To this extent the act of repeating something becomes a habit and a habit is a natural procrastination killer. It is the oil which keeps the cogs running. You don't have to practice every day but just imagine if there were a set time of where and when you would be every single day and doing something towards achieving the thing. Lack of organization will come back and bite you in the arse.  Lets also say it is your personal organization which matters not what is written down in a book. You begin at the place you want to begin.

Out of the box thinking
Doing the thing will involved conventional and unconventional actions. The convention action might be to read a book and make notes following this route will not get you where you want to be, you have to own it and move out of the box. An unconventional action might be along the lines of reading something of interest and making a point of applying it, talking about it.  Doing it both in and out of context seeing when it works and when it doesn't work. For example in order to put in a good few hour study each night I recognised it was important to have breaks during study. What I did was to head to the kitchen and make coffee, while I was drinking the coffee I would also pick up three juggling balls. Pacing backwards and forwards juggling the balls.  Taking a sip of coffee and then continuing. I could not juggle to being with but as time went on the juggling got better. I would sometimes think about what I learnt other times not at all. The important thing was ensuring I had a break and learning to do something I had never done before. Sometimes unconventional thinking will get you further than following the rest of the crowd. The thing is a long term target, it can't be done in a matter of hours and is going to take a lot of effort, but along the way of doing the thing there will be mini skills which have to be picked up.  Those skills will all add up to
accomplishing the thing.  Driving a car for instance, one skills is gently moving one foot down while the other foot goes up to change gear but better is to make your feet sensitive to pressures while pushing down. What does it feel like to carefully and sensitively feel where the clutch is just when the gears separate?  This is one mini skill needed in learning to drive and an important skill. Children know how to think unconventionally because because they are not confined by the rules. Learning to feel where a clutch biting point is might be helped by slowly depressing your foot up and down on a half deflated ball.   Unconventional thinking is a skill in itself, but it can be learned and takes a little imagination, were all were children once and all had this same wonderful imagination.

Listening to others
There is no doubt that other people can influence us even if be this by their approval or by their non approval, however there will be many times when other people are just purely negative and those individual may well be the ones we love in our life. They may think you are not strong enough to achieve the thing you want to do, they may think they had better stop  you from doing it by discouraging you. Finding what may be sensible and reasonable things to put in your way. But these are obstacles which have to be overcome.  However, this is really where  your own attitude is now under fire, and  your own self esteem.  If my brother, sister, uncle, aunt, spouse or teacher put forth an argument to prevent me doing what I want to do and they don't understand this is a life event, this is the thing you need to do and are not helpful but obstructive you may not even go ahead and get on with the thing.  Take heed, take warning, they may love you but they may not know and understand
there is nothing more important to you than the thing.  Alternatively they may very well understand
and because of their own hang ups purposefully not want to help and pull you down.  It's not going to be easy, but then this life event thing you need to do is a wonderful and beautiful notion and if you got to do it they will eventually get the message, if not then don't worry just never discuss it in their company.  You are on a journey here, and as they say sometimes it's not reaching the destination which matters as much as taking the trip.

If the thing is worth doing it is worth doing and along the way there will be obstacles. As touched upon above sometimes those obstacles are other people, sometimes they will be finding time, having resources, money, needing help from an external source. Have faith because given enough time every obstacle can be overcome.  Furthermore, it may mean you have to dip your toes into those waters of the unconventional to overcome the obstacle.  In the film Heartbreak Ridge, Clint Eastwood trains his group of marines to think outside of the box, to do everything and anything they have to do to
achieve their goals.  In this he constantly rants on three primary corollaries to his marines.  They are 1. Adapt, 2. Improvise 3. Overcome.  If there were such as thing as a life book these words would be in such a book.  It would be tied to your umbilical cord, you will then grow up learning to read and learning to recite these words, they challenge you to meet the obstacle, if you can't go through it go around it, if you can't go round it go over it. If it is so big you can't see a way forward then step out of the box the obstacle is taking up your entire view and has made you blind you need a new perspective. Is it a fleck you have in your eye or is it a tree trunk?  Here is one wise piece of advise, when  you look back at the obstacles which stood in the way between you and the thing you wanted to do, they will seem insignificant. Even though they were significant.  You don't go through a battle without getting some scars, if it is worth the challenge you will find the way. You will.

All of these events are about getting your mental software programmed in order to deal with them.  But if the thing you want to do means so much to you, then you will do it. Don't take other people's no as an answer, strive, then strive and then strive some more. This is not about being rich and successful it is about personal achievement.  It will happen if you want it to do, so the question is do you want it?  Do you really want it? And are you willing to do what it takes?  There is only one answer to each of these and you already know what it is.

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