Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Grand National

I sat and watched the Grand National this afternoon, in the same pub I watched it last year. However, amongst the viewers was a particularly anoying young man, he just couldn't keep his trap shut. It was as though he needed to be the centre of attention. The worse part was he had walked in just two mintues before the race had began and merged with his mates. I think maybe he had some mental condition, or he wanted to get a mental condition. Because if he carries on the way he was during the National someone will give him a bruising, which I'm very much sure may silence him for a moment or two.

Besides the anus with a mouth the event was good to watch. I'd put a bet on 4 different horses each way. And with my bloody luck, not one of them came in. Although a couple seemed to stay quite a long distance, by the two thirds mark they somehow had dropped back into obscurity. So after chilling with my pint and the end of the race I left with my pocket lighter. But had to stop off at a betting shop because my friend Green Car man had actual won two places.

The moral of the story is, if you want to see an important event get a seat close to the box and hire a couple of bouncers to kick the living crap out of anyone who believes they are the side attraction.

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