Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Movie Saturation

There has been a point over the Easter holiday where I had reached complete movie saturation overdose. I just didn't want to view another film. No matter how good, who the actors were or who directed. Enough was enough. So to say. It's at this time I wondered what else I could do, besides leading a meaningless and non evocative existence. Passing hours in the monotony of a little square box was like having a leach suck out my brain. At saturation point I begin to take stock and ask what I have achieved. What meaningful thing I have done today which has made it worth waking up, having breakfast, and being a contribution to the world. I'd got my hair cut, well better than nothing.

I considered chatting to Sparkling Eyes. However, Sparkling Eyes wasn't having any of it either. She'd probably reached saturation point with me. Try as I might I was shunted off to the sidings like a defunct dejected railway carriage. Although I must admit in one communication Sparkling Eyes had a wonderful turn of phrase when she wrote "walking the boards of indecision" or something of a similar vein. Very eloquent I thought. Still I was punted nice turn of phrase or not. She had given me the big E for the time being. My anodyne to the human race had walked off.

I suppose when it comes to it, the only person you can't run away from is yourself. OK it maybe a bit narcissistic, but it depends for some just being in your own company could be a good thing. Then you can listen to the voices. In the walls. In your own head. Perhaps even in other peoples heads if you got mind reading abilities.

So after this holiday period, I will change myself and use my time to a better end. It doesn't matter what I do as long as I am doing something. Something constructive, something which does not involve going into a passive vegetative state. Something which may even be for the better of human kind. Of course that's it, put on my blue cape, tights and brush the lint from the big letter "S" standing out on my torso. Or maybe just one step at a time. I'll try the flying bit off a kitchen chair. Sure hope the cat doesn't think I've lost it.

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