Saturday, November 10, 2007

45 Days to Chrimbo

The 3 muskateers hit a shopping centre somewhere in the South East of England. With intrepid realisation they walk amongst crowds. For soon, very soon, will decend upon us the season of shock, horror and discontent. Crimbo is round the corner. It will sneak up with the latest new gadgets to hit the scene, the iphone, magical hovering displays of re-charged self powered toy helicopters, corners occupied by artificial trees and twinkling lights. All this amongst a throng of people, flowing like independent tributaries. Following thier own track. Many with no game plan. Eyes darting from store to store, taking in every shop front, checking out the pace of people walking infront, to the side and those intent on just standing in the middle of a pedestrian lane to chat in semi oblivian. Walk round the obstacles. Don't get too dizzy. However, I was lost. Feeling queezy. Within ten minutes of entering this centre of confusion, this harrowing daunting place. I felt sea-sick. Yet 45 days remain. The clock counts down. Crimbo is coming. You better watch out, because now the pressure is on, Crimbo is coming. An old man in grey beard and red suit doesn't dispence wrapped up parcels. No. It's the parents, the uncles, aunts, friends and aquaintances who do. They are the ones who do the leg work.

I can not be the only person who hates shopping amongst crowds. It's claustophobic. Perhaps it's old age. Maybe it calls for a visit to the GP, get some prescription tranquilisers, valium. That might do it. Valium to cope. Chill. Ride the wave. Before I make a list. Write names down and what their parcels of happiness will be. All I want for Crimbo is a good book and of course a long hug from Sparkling Eyes. But as for the others. Oh at a time like this how come there are so many more to consider. How about a giant cake. A set time and place. I'll send out invites and then they can all come and help themselves. Take a piece of cake. No it's not going to work. I got to just tackle each person one at a time. Centre. Focus. Now what would they like? Sparkling Eyes has said nothing. It's the worse thing to do. 45 days to concentrate. To think of something. What? I don't know. But I'm sure it will come to me. Concentrate now.

Rock Chick will want as many as possible. Monster Boy anything to do with Dr Who or the hundreds of super-heros there are in the world. The Talkative boys, things again to keep them occupied, interested. But not educational. The less education the better. Little angel girl anything to do with Barbie. The remaining 2 muskateers they wont mind nothing or even a card they're easy. Big Mama, chocs or some other delicacy. To give is better to receive. Santa's sack had better be big. Not forgetting Santa's debit card. Ouch, ouch, ouch, odd, I thought he usually said Ho, Ho, Ho.

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