Sunday, December 09, 2007

Gordon Ramsey the Hero

I just signed up to 4oD, this is channel 4 television on demand. It took about 20 minutes to get the software downloaded and to register myself, but it lets me view certain tv programs. For free. Wonderful. The word free. Not to be mixed with the word Three. Though sounding similar, quite different. So watching Channel 4, I've now been able to catch up with a couple of back episodes of Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. Not to mention Father Ted. The two sets of programs being quite different. Chalk and Cheese.

Ramsey is like a breath of fresh air in a field encrusted with cow pats on the hottest day of the year. He has no qualms about telling it as it is. He takes a failing restaurant on the verge of disaster and turns it round. You might even say it is common sense. But common sense is a valuable item quite lacking in man trades. In one kitchen he found rotting old food in the bottom of a oven and condemned it. His remarks towards the head chef were all suggesting one thing, though he did not say it outright. It was "sack the twat" I heard it coz i could read between the lines. I expect many viewers did as well. Yes he swears, but he swears from his own passion, from his knowledge and ability which has already been proven. He don't have Michelin Stars for nothing me thinks. When he speaks people listen and the one who doesn't is a fool.

In many respects his acumen reminds me of that other great, Sir Harvey Jones who played a business trouble shooter. Again an inspiring man, one who didn't swear, but I tell you what one who could tell the cow pat from the breeze. And although all of us has pretty clear opinions on what a cow pat is it's odd a lot would rather stand amongst them than stand in the fresh zephre from an Atlantic swell.

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