Saturday, December 22, 2007

Side bet on a weep

With delight I recently visited Sparkling Eyes and Rock Chick. I spent a week in their company and learnt what it is to be a man whose strings were being pulled from two directions or more. But of all things it soon emerged there was a little side bet going on which I had not been told about. It did not take long to find out what it was.

It has to be down to a combination of hormones and age. The two together now have resulted in my becoming a bit weepy at times. Things just choke me up more than normal. It used to be one of the reasons I avoided watching Lassie films as a kid, they just made me cry. It’s something boys should not do. Now things are different. If something on the small box touches my heart strings, I can’t help myself. My emotions are moved. I let burst. It’s worse if I try and hold them back because then it’s like a big choking sound comes from me. As I breath in deep and then let rip with the wet stuff flooding down over my cheeks. Of course it is all to the delight of Sparkling Eyes and Rock Chick. They see me, and then burst out with laughter. They wonder what the next item on TV will do to me. They watch. Glancing over just checking out. Waiting. Then tell each other if one is not around what set me off again. This is completely unfair. Unjust. But it happens. On this occasion unbeknown to me. I was the subject of a bet. How many times would his cheeks be washed? How many times would this softy have his emotions get the better of him? The betting was on three or more. Though I deny I reached this number, the terrible duo watching me judged it to be higher. How could I get them back I thought? I’d just have to wait my turn, and watch. They were keeping tabs. I’d have to keep an eye open as well.

There was a film on TV which I hadn’t seen before called “The Colour Purple.” With telly on the three of us sat down and enjoyed a warm room against a cold winter evening. The gas fire warmed us. Relaxed I lay draped on a sofa. Rock Chick and Sparkling Eyes sat close to each other glued to the telly on another sofa. The film rolled on. It’s quite a long film as well. The story enjoyable, based on the early 1900s black America. I was a little disappointed when Whoopy Goldberg’s character advised one man to beat his wife so she’d obey him more. That was sad I thought. It must have been near the end of the film about 2 hours in. When I felt a little twinge but not enough to let them roll when I turned and checked out the dreaded duo. Perhaps it was the sound of a sniff. Perhaps an unusual quietness from their side of the room. But there was no mistaking it. Both Sparkling Eyes and Rock Chick sat there looking at the TV each with tears streaming down their faces. Oh my. What an enjoyable sight. I laughed and cajoled them. They were tears of joy for me. So yes, I am a softy, I’ll admit it. But even softy blokes get their rewards if they wait long enough.

We all got a tear or two and they are wonderful things. They are indicators of our own humanity. Our empathy an acknowledgement of the world. All I have to do now is instill a sense of wonder and happiness when Sparkling or Rock see a Sci Fi movie. Thing is I don’t think it’s going to happen.

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