Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008 Something has to be done

First day back at Fish Factory for 2008. It's weird returning back to the grindstone on a Wednesday. A number of people have complained it felt like a Monday. I hate Mondays. No it's definitely a Wednesday and a new year. A very new year. Things are going to change, things will be different.

I've felt sorry for myself in some minor way, I didn't realise this, but Sparkling Eyes did. She demanded I change my attitude when I'd rang her up on New Year's day. She would ring back and I had better be different. Needless to say she didn't. Ring back that is. Whereas I took the opinion if she can't be bothered to ring back then I'll not be bothered to text her. It's her move now. She should of rung. I'd put myself out yesterday. No. I'm going to sit on my high horse here and not budge. This is the normal very macho thing to do if your a man. There's only so far more you should go when you already put yourself out. So I wait, still no text. Still no phone call. I may have made a mistake. But then I don't want to seem needy. I got my life to lead, things to do, blogs to write. Changes to make. Yes. Positively this year will see a change.

I've felt I've wasted too much time doing nothing. I was saying this or words to this effect to my compatriots in the pub over my Guinness. I'm going to do something different, it don't matter what it is it has to be something different. Something more constructive with my time. Something useful. So far I've looked at further education classes, dancing and creative writing. Though not all at the same time. I just know I got to do something. Something different and stop sitting here watching DVDs letting the world pass me by. Sparkling will no doubt take credit for this self inspirational bent. Being as she has spent time cajoling me, kicking me literally in the head, pulling my strings, pulling my leg, and jabbing a red nail varnished finger in my direction. I can feel the bruises. I'm on the road to somewhere and it don't matter where it is as long as I'm on the bus. I wonder if Sparkling will be driving, damn I know what she's like soon as I ring for my stop she'll over shoot it and make me walk the half mile back. Better get my boots on then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will be 3/4 of a mile back and it will be raining cats and dogs..:)