Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Roast potatoes in Goose Fat

The lovely Sparkling Eyes cooked a pork dish with Goose fat roasted potatoes. The first time I have eaten this type of roasted tatties before, they are delicious. The remaining few left over dwindled down as the evening wore on. Sparkling confessed, she just couldn't help herself. I to found a peckish magnetism towards the odd lonely tatty. With a little salt on top. Hmmmm

A program about polygamous families in America is on the TV. Sparkling pokes me. I'm not sure if it's a finger or the edge of her mobile phone. We converse about writing. Ouch. Then my head is massaged with her wonderful fingers. Hmmmm. But from further discussion and her annoying tone those fingers curl up into a little fist which taps on my head. This is her motivation. With the words "come on write something, I'm giving you motivation" I wont go into the other words used or highlight her invigorating attempt at inspiration, just to say it's working.

Oh my how difficult it must be for those Mormon men with multiple wives? Especially when they get old and suffer from Alzheimer's, which would be pretty bad. Especially for the wife who is expecting her conjugal visit because it's her special day of the week. But the silly old sod gets confused and goes to the wrong one. Sparkling by the way likes the notion of polygamy. I'd asked her about it, "yes" she said. Then asked "how many husbands can I have?" I tried to explain it didn't work this way. Instead she indicated a desire to be the first woman in Scotland to be a polygamist. Great. I can see Sven the oil platform worker with his blond hair and Viking looks being popular with Sparkling. I sure hope she don't get Alzheimer's.

Well I'll always have the tatties in Goose fat.

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