Monday, December 07, 2009

Hair cut and rain

Today was my day for lounging about. Yes. For doing absolutely nothing if I so wished. For being relaxed and lazy. However, I did go out and get my hair cut. At the usual place. A Turkish ran barber shop, but the man who usually scalps me was not there. Which is good because he only has one style of hair cut and it's short, very short. My hair can't take it any more, it takes twice as long to grow after he's had his scissors on it and when I see Sparkling she inevitably points out how balding I now am. Fortunately it was another man who had his shears on my hair. I found he spoke softly and every time he asked me a question I had to ask him to repeat himself. He must of thought I was the weird one. With the telly on it didn't help. I got a little paranoid so will not going into the thoughts which went through my mind. And although he was pretty gentle with his hair cutting he failed to do my eye brows or get the flaming cotton bud out. The one which is twanged on ears. So I'm a little disappointed and have decided I need to find a new or different hair dresser. This will not be difficult because it seems opening a hairdressers is the latest trend in consumerism. It's just a matter of finding the right one. One who does a good job, I can hear, isn't depressive or liable to nicking a lobe by accident each time I get a trim. It will be a matter now of watch this space.

I walked to my Barbers which is about a mile and a bitty away. Then walked back. On the way back it rained. I don't think there has been a day go past for the last 4 or 5 weeks where we have not had rain. It is becoming predictable and boring. As I paced back I wondered about shouting out and waving my fist at the sky. Daring it to pour down on me, to give it the best bucket load of water it had. Because I was not going to let this wet stuff get the better. I imagined myself at the completely crazy point. Jumping up and down. It's OK imagining these things but doing them would mark me out as being a little insane. I know you can see it though. Close your eyes and you're there. There is only so much a man can take. Unless his name happens to be Noah. Then he can take a lot. Then he's probably excellent at his two times tables as well.

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