Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tooth ache versus migraine fat boy

The Talkatives came round today for a short stay. Mrs Talkative would not shut up and her consistent droning on and on was really doing my head in. I dropped a couple of hints like "you don't have to talk so loud" and "just eat your breakfast don't talk." They fell on deft ears. So it ended up with me having to leave the house on two occasions just to get away from the droning. It was about her tooth and how she was on antibiotics. Although her tooth was bad there was nothing wrong with her jaw. I could of droned on about what it's like when I get a migraine. As if she would want to know. All what mattered was her own tooth and pain. Maybe the incessant talking is why the little ones don't say much. On one short walk out I took Princess Talkative and did my best to get some kind of conversation out of her. Her common answer to my questions was a simple "yes" or "no" but her favourite reply when asked her opinion about something was "I don't know." How can a nearly 8 year old girl have such a pitiful answer. She smiled and laughed and giggled at me as I tried so desperately to get her to chat. Little Princess Talkative was however, not going to get sucked in. Maybe I should of taken off my scary mask and put on a funny face one. Alternatively perhaps being avuncular is not one of my personal skill sets.

I'm alarmed at my ever growing belly. It's getting out of control now, so the walking had a dual purpose, escape and exercise. I am so overcome by this ever growing waistline I even checked out Weight Watchers Web Site and wondered whether I should go. I do understand groups of people can combine to help each other with their social support or chastisement. Though part of me knows there is a formula to it, and it's a matter of working it out. Like there are three things, one eating, two exercise and three attitude. Combine them all and you have the recipe for weight loss. Some advertising may say eat jojo berries, or whatever they are called. However the reality is you just have to be more sensible. The human body is like a calculator, it adds up every calorie consumed and then every calorie burnt, if more is consumed than burnt you get fat, simple. I wonder if migraines burn up calories? If they did then I'd be a matchstick man right now. OK better not have a second alcoholic drink, a pint on the lips is an inch on the hips.

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