Monday, March 25, 2013

A call from a not so smart phone and chicken soup

This afternoon my phone went off at the Fish Factory. It was Sparkling Eyes. I calmly put a hand into my coat pocket to immediately stop the ringing. The idea being to get out of an open factory area into a quiet room to ring her back. I wondered for a moment as I walked off from the bench to find somewhere private, rang Sparkling and she didn't answer. So I sent her  a text to immediately ring back if she needed to talk. Back on the factory floor a text popped up and Sparkling hadn't rang me intentionally. It's one of those things. New smart phone, no instructions in the box. The assumption being it is so user friendly anyone can understand how to use it just by playing with the thing. Of course the world of technology and human beings doesn't always read of the same non-existent page, they are usually on totally different pages. Come to think of it, no instructions doesn't sound smart to me, they should be called dumbfounded phones. Later after finishing work I checked my phone and listened to Sparkling's answer phone message. Which happened to be a conversation she was having with Rock Chick at the time. I listened to their conversation which wasn't always audible and smiled. It was just nice to hear both their voices and like I had eavesdropped even though I hadn't. It was a serendipitous listening, I miss them both and enjoyed the moment as cold wind blew in my face walking down the street.

Sparkling is not well at the moment and really needs some TLC time. Her sinus is swollen and she looks like someone has assaulted her. The weather in Scotland is cold, because it's generally very cold over the entire country, snow, sleet, ice, rain sort of thing. I offered to make chicken soup and bring Horlicks to her, but Sparkling doesn't like Horlicks. Fortunately she is not working tomorrow. As for her sinus the only thing she can do for now is let it run it's course even though it has been two weeks of heavy breathing. Maybe I could order an entire box of chicken soup from Amazon and send it to her. I'll have a look.

The day has been very busy, as indeed every day at the Fish Factory seems to be lately. However, I like busy and being busy, but I don't like being overwhelmed. It's being overwhelmed which leads to stress. The best way to cope with this is paradoxically to stop doing something and spend time thinking about it. Although too much time thinking about something is more along the lines of procrastination. An old and dear friend I constantly fight with and am sure there are a lot of people out there who also fight against. This evening I have been productive. Given Bertha attention, watched videos on Getting Things Done (GTD) and even spoken to Sparkling. The procrastination or relaxing bit was playing a few games of Candy Crush and wondering if I am addicted to it, just as I wonder whether I should bother with Facebook. Which I have found videos from people on YouTube advocating people should remove themselves from. Except, I am on it and I do find it useful but I am not crazy addicted to it. Mostly because I don't have many friends. In Facebook terms most of the friends people have are not really friends at all. Some they may never have met before or have met but only very briefly.  The thing is Facebook seems to be some glorious self publicising machine. Or a being nosey machine, where people just snoop on other people. I hold little weight with it, but do keep an eye on what goes on, as well as Candy Crush, but if I wanted it would not be too difficult to give the whole thing up.

Come to think of it, Sparkling should put on Facebook she is suffering from a sinus problem. It would be an accurate update of her status. Along with, "my phone makes phone calls on it's own" and "chicken soup anyone?"  I could see the crowds flocking to her door, bowls in hand, and giving some tips on how to work dumb phones. They could look after Sparkling and be like real friends and family. Oops, nearly forgot, Facebook is not about real stuff. It's not like listening to a message from real people, you love and know love you back. Get well Sparkling, you'll need your strength to open up a box of chicken soup I'm sending to you. x x

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