Thursday, March 07, 2013

A happy pint and a piss

It's funny how a couple of pints can change your perception of everything. The Guinness was definitely tasting good tonight I must admit. The stories told by a fellow drinker sounded all the more funny. The old witch who I sat next to even had a couple of words to say. As if she never has a couple of words to say because she actually has far too many words to say and has to say them to everyone. Even if they don't want to hear them. I sat there and felt good, I most definitely felt in very good spirits. The big union man said how he had represented his brother in law at a meeting where the private company were going to sack him for fiddling his overtime. I faced up to the private company boss and said "well if you think it is such an open closed case then I'd like you to state that at an industrial tribunal." A week later  his brother in law got an unconditional pay out of £25K. Wonderful. He then went on to say, "you always win against private employers." It seems in the public sector they are more prone to following the correct actions. In another story he told how he helped organize a football training even for people with special needs. It was more popular than he anticipated and 70 special needs persons turned up. He said it was the funniest day of his life, and ended the session by getting them all to bow down and pledge allegiance to his local football team.

In a separate chat I expressed how offensive I found it when when someone said "god bless you." I stated, were I a Satanist and replied "Beelzebub bless you" I'm sure they would find it equally offensive."  There are too many god fearing, sheep following crazies about for my taste. I couldn't help but think, if you want to believe in something which does not exist and has got no evidence in the real world there must be some mental illness involved. Why it is they biggest hypocrites are the bible bashers I don't know.  The prisons seem to be full of them.  We went on and debated the current political climate. How the Tories were now instigating a program of morally injust politics. Ensuring the poorest of society paid the heaviest for the continuuing deficit, which the Conservatives said would be under control by the end of their term. We're now more than half way through and they are so far off course from their original statements they are bigger liars than the man who invented lies.  The price of  housing and the rental market had now become so high there would be many homeless on the streets as the next years passed by. But it wouldn't matter to the Tories because homeless people are not registered to vote and they would have nothing to worry about. 

At some point I made my way home, and then dying to urinate, pissed up the garage of the man who feeds pigeons, which now congregate on my roof every morning.  They wake me up, they speak to each other in cooing language and I'd kill them if I could. The piss, flowed so easily over his garage door I hoped he would notice it in the morning. Unfortunately, I don't think it will stop him throwing bread out for the birds at 5:30 a.m., but as the saying goes, don't get mad, get even. Something which Sparkling has said to me, something which I took great delight in practising this evening. 

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