Saturday, March 02, 2013

A Novice Ukulele player finds happiness

Bertha is my Ukulele, she is a soprano ukulele so has a high sounding tone. I got some Aquilla nygut strings for her and she sings lovely.  To improve on my noob status I've watch a few videos on Youtube, but when I see them sometimes I notice the tutors don't have a soprano Uke but the larger Concert or Tenor style. There is a difference in size and resonance.  But even a more fundamental difference in fingering and fret sizes.  Because the ones on soprano are just a tad closer together. I think it is harder to play, as your hand is a bit more cramped up. I probably helps if you have long skinny fingers as well, then you can reach frets in places short stubby fingers just can't reach.  Stubby fingers are at a disadvantage, unless of course the owner of those stubby fingers has practiced stubby finger Yoga and stretching exercises. Then they may step up their game and play with more confidence, as far as the ukulele is concerned anyway.

But there is more to learn to playing the ukulele than just a couple of chords.  Inadvertently or even rather intentionally, you get to learn about music. And the way music sounds, a chord will always be the same sound, well it will be if your uke is in tune. Then there is timing. Every song in the world, every piece of music ever written has a certain timing to it. Timing and strumming a Ukulele are close compatriots.  It's not possible to do one without the other. Learning words to songs then becomes not just a feat of memory, it comes one of context. For every song has  rhythm and this is enveloped in a tune. Now if you can juggle balls and can do three or four at a time then you could be part the way there to knowing what it is like to play the Uke when you've had no musical experience in your life at all. Which happens to be in my case. There a lot going on to say the least. However, my major love of the uke is the FUN it brings. It is absolutely wonderful. Especially as I string together every aspect of this little instrument to try and sing. I listen to the great Ray Charles and Hit the Road Jack. Which only has four simple chords to play but my singing isn't in time. I then laugh and I am happy.  Which everybody knows is the secret of a good life. Finding your own happiness, top tip numbero uno.

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