Monday, July 22, 2013

Goodbye Mr K

Today just after 5 pm an elderly man I once knew passed away. He was the ex father-in-law to Sparkling Eyes and although Sparkling has been divorced some years, Mr K and his wife Mrs K have always considered Sparkling to be part of their family. He loved Sparkling and his grand daughter Rock Chick immensely. It is very sad he is no longer here, and I must admit to liking him and loving him as well. He always made me welcome. Except of course for the first time I met him and I was just a little bit afraid.

When I met Mr K for the first time it was at a party and was in Sparkling's kitchen. I was a little scared because Sparkling said at first the family on her Ex's side may have seen me as taking Sparkling away from them. They understood though this was not the case at all. Even though Mr K was old then I wanted to be on his good side and show I wasn't going to make any obnoxious comments, of any kind at all. Mr K enjoyed his drink and told me all kinds of stories, he'd been a lorry driver and had to come down to London on a number of occasions. He knew parts of London and what it was like in the 60s. He had a dry sense of humour and when he told his stories there would be a little quip in the last few words which always raised a laugh. But on that first occasion he did say I could pop round any time, then he'd set the dog on me.  He laughed when he said this and I wasn't sure how to take it, but felt cautioned.  It was a few days later I learnt the joke was on me, for his dog was a little black loveable one, who later on saved Mr K's life.

The last and very happy time I saw Mr K was Christmas day 2012. Sparkling had promised we'd all pop around to see her father in law and so it was, myself, Sparkling, Rock Chick, Dangerous Sports Lad and Babyfro all turned up. The afternoon and even was a very happy event. Mr K kept us entertained, Mrs K told the story of how their pooch had alerted her and saved Mr K. Who'd managed to survive with part of his heart non functioning. Mr K then went out of his way to be the most hospitable host he could. His definition of this was to share with us his most favourite Christmas tipple, Port. After being already stuffed earlier in the day I must admit drinking port, even though it was very nice was difficult on a bloated belly. The thing was it didn't stop Mr K poring more port on my already undrunk port in the glass. He would cheekily nod and tell us all to drink up. There was something of a sparkle in his eye, a mischievous loveable sparkle.  I felt welcome and a part of the family.  I am sorry he has passed away and only wish I'd had more discussions with him, and my thoughts are he was a good man.  He will be so very missed, Goodbye Mr k.

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