Monday, July 15, 2013

Watching UFOs

I don't know why but this evening must of been one of those "not-sure-what-I'm-doing-with-myself" and I ended up watching UFO programs on YouTube. It began with a put together set of UFOs in the sky from amateur footage. This was professionally presented by some American, because we all know American's have got Alien fixations, paranoia fixations and love eating food.  The videos all looked like balloons to me, how on earth the producers, can get away with such claptrap, is mind boggling.  No doubt a lot of people enjoyed watching it. Considering I watched most of it, with the help of skipping forward it kept me mildly entertained for a short while.  Trying not to shout at the box or laugh if anyone in their right mind considered those things to be spacecraft.  Or even aliens, however I could not help but write a voice of reason comment explaining most of the sightings were balloons, lanterns, aeroplanes and the lot were actually explainable phenomenon.  I'll check for hate mail and thumbs down votes over the next few days.  Especially being wary of things written by little green men.

Five minute later after this waste of life entertainment, a light catches my eye through the window.  In the night sky, behold there drifting by is a Chinese lantern; of the type which had just been put into the program I'd seen. In fact I could of got my own camera out and sent the footage in for a fee.  Now there's the real reason to be interested in UFO's, making money out of them.  I saw the lantern as it unenthusiastically went it's merry way.  It was a beautiful sight to see, and gave the illusion of an orange glowing flame.  Viewing this made me recall how  the biggest fire in England was said to have been started by a lantern.  They should be banned because they are a hidden danger, not because of the waste of YouTube space. Further, instead of being attacked with paranoid government rockets or lasers, lets just douse the blighters instead.

My train of thought set me off yet again on a juxtaposing subject, coincidences.  Twice coincidences of events have happened to me in the last few days. They were both small events by themselves but when these things happen together you do wonder.  Maybe this is why it is easy for people to turn to irrational explanations at a whim, e.g. ghosts, UFOs, aliens, mental illness.  We are simple creatures and sometimes thinking can be too hard. There might be UFOs out there, but I never seen one.  It must be I'm never in the wrong place at the right time. However what I do have is a torch and a spooky mask, tomorrow night there just might be sightings of an alien, in this vicinity of London, and I might happen to be out.  Now what a coincidence it would be, but it wouldn't mean I was the culprit of bogeyman sightings.  I met him last week in the pub and he was nowhere as handsome as me, he didn't buy a round either, the tight git.

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