Wednesday, September 04, 2013

From foreign accents to white teeth

I don't know how but the evening began with watching the news. Then there was an odd article about an illness called Foreign Accent Syndrome FAC. It was interesting and funny at the same time. So I went to Youtube to check it out so as to see it in action. Some people appear to wake up speaking in a different accent. One which is completely foreign, hence the title. The woman I saw on the news was British but had an oriental type of accent. The more I listened to it the less oriental I thought it sounded and considered it to be Italian. The thing was it was not her normal voice, she now speaks and doesn't recognise her own voice. Occasionally listening to an old recording of what she used to sound like. This illness is thought to be the result of a very small stroke in the language area of the brain. However, it is described as a "syndrome" and therefore a syndrome by technical definition has not been determined to have a specific organic origin. To the extent anyone with a syndrome could actually be faking it. Yet they can't be, it's just the way the medical world sees it. I mean who would want to wake up and find they speak with a Chinese accent, or worse Hungarian.  At lease if it is oriental sounding you know you have something in common with the biggest population of the world.

From FAC, I then moved onto how to watch a video of a young European possibly English girl teaching herself to talk Hindi. Again I don't know why this was her passion but it was and she was pretty good at it, but it seemed an odd language to want to speak, then again this could be my personal bias in the matter and I should just get over it. From this video I then moved onto videos about natural teeth whitening in which strawberries and bananas were used, sometimes baking soda and peroxide as well. All of which I am a little suspect as actually working. I'd rather go and spend a few quid on a good tube of toothpaste than try and find a half ripe banana every day. This in turn reminds me of banana toothpaste, this I once got for a nephew of mine, but I'm not sure if it did any good at all. If I recall rightly he was three at the time and squirted the whole lot down the sink. Maybe he wanted a real banana, it would of been a lot cheaper as well. Lastly my YouTube haunt finished up with a session watching a old hippee man talk about learning the ukulele and was clearly an advertising video for the brand he kept referring.  Shit I'm getting old but you don't see me doing a video about learning the ukulele. Not yet anyway, maybe next week. That will give hippee man a run for his money. He might have more hair than me, but I got the right motivation and with a few bananas white teeth to match.

Must get down to the supermarket.

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